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Arizona officials dive back into debunked controversy over Obama’s birth certificate

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  • Arizona officials dive back into debunked controversy over Obama’s birth certificate

    Arizona officials dive back into debunked controversy over Obama’s birth certificate

    Washington Post

    Associated Press


    "PHOENIX — Arizona officials are jumping back into a persistent, yet debunked controversy over President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and his eligibility to hold office.

    A legislative committee on Wednesday endorsed a proposal that requires presidential candidates to swear that they meet the qualifications to be the nation’s chief executive.

    And the Arizona secretary of state is expected in the coming days to call for candidates to complete a new form asking eligibility questions, including whether they are natural-born U.S. citizens.
    In the past, political parties drafted their own certification documents that Arizona officials say didn’t consistently address the issue of qualifications.

    “There has been a lot of media attention devoted to this, so we wanted to make sure there is a standardized form,” said Matthew Roberts, a spokesman for Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett.

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    The controversy over the validity of Obama’s birth certificate and eligibility — started by what critics call the “birther movement” — gained steam in Arizona last year when the Legislature passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to prove their citizenship before their names can appear on the state’s ballot.

    The proposal was vetoed by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, who called the measure “a bridge too far.”

    Recently, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose immigration patrols have generated a political firestorm and are the subject of a federal lawsuit, brought new attention to the controversy.
    The latest legislative effort in Arizona to confront Obama’s eligibility would require political parties to file an affidavit swearing under penalty of perjury that their presidential and vice presidential candidates are qualified to hold the positions. It also would let any voter in Arizona file a lawsuit challenging an affidavit.

    If it were to get the governor’s signature, the requirements of the bill would apply to this year’s presidential contest. Brewer spokesman Matthew Benson declined to say whether the governor would sign the bill if it clears the Legislature."

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    B. Steadman