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Comparative analysis of Russia's demise in 1917 and of the USA's now - Pravda/English

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  • Comparative analysis of Russia's demise in 1917 and of the USA's now - Pravda/English

    Comparative analysis of Russia's demise in 1917 and of the USA's now


    Alexander Gofen


    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

    Our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people of the Judeo-Christian faith, living on an isolated continent. It is wholly inadequate to the government and people of any other faith.

    (John Adams, October 11, 1798)

    It is wholly inadequate under conditions of wide openness to hostile ideologies and people carrying them.

    (The 2011 update)

    "In spite of the time difference of about 100 years, the Russian Empire had fallen, and the United States is in the process of fall due to the similar causes: the negligence and failure to confront the destructive forces of Marxism."

    "The strategists and law enforcing agencies in the US have completely neglected the spread of Marxism in the US. These agencies were rather picking the wind and reading the wish of the "political elite".

    The law enforcement deliberately ignored the money sources and illegal activity of peoples like Soros, clubs like Bilderberg, and the "one world government" ideologues.

    Therefore in 2008 a constitutionally unqualified (not US natural born) candidate, a Marxist, an agent of influence and Moslem sympathizer, identity thief, fraud and forger Obama/Soetoro was promoted, allowed to campaign and to win the US presidency - unobstructed by even one political leader, election commission, or any other official! Unobstructed by his opponents McCain and Palin! Unobstructed by the opposition - Republican - party.

    In fact, Republicans, McCain and Palin cooperated with the rival in order that he win: They did vet McCain's qualifications (Sen. Res 511, 2008) but had never done it for the opponent. Republicans keep helping the usurper to win up to this moment in 2012, when it is already discovered that the usurper is a fraud and identity thief. They carefully avoid bringing fore or even hinting to any of the numerous crimes of Obama - the rival, whom they supposedly wish to win.

    According to the analysis compiled by J. Williams, many representatives of the elite and the legislature desired to see Obama a president and paved the way for him many years prior to 2008, yet their activity was ignored.

    So the November of 2008 became a day of a de-facto coup in the US, when the Constitution was silently and willingly abandoned by all the political parties and by the three "as though independent" branches of the government. This coup (now in progress) first seemed hardly noticeable by anybody."

    .................................................. ..............
    Unlike Russia in 1917-1920, the Marxism in America became widely known and welcomed by a great proportion of citizenry (near 50%). These relatively new type of citizenry emerged due to grotesquely generous entitlements of the government. The government was incapable and unwilling to zip its wallet, and it just zealously placated the unproductive class (something unthinkable in Russia (2)). That citizenry completely lost the work ethic and spiritual foundation proper to American citizenry prior to ascend of Marxism.

    Therefore, the coup of 2008 in the US not only was hardly identified as such, but worse: "The change" was welcomed by the majority.

    Unlike in Russia of 1917, the old three branches of government in America formally remained in power. Yet they maintained the state of total denial about the unconstitutionality of the impostor Obama/Soetoro, and about the very fact of the 2008 coup. The entire issue became a taboo.
    .................................................. .........

    Unlike in Russia, the US Army actually backed the coup (except only three middle level officers!). The US Army therefore has betrayed the oath to protect the US Constitution. As of this moment (March, 2012), there is no indication that something analogous to the Russian White Army may ever emerge in the US in a foreseeable future. The entire US Army plays the role of the Red Army of Russia in 1917-1921.

    As to the citizenry, only a small part of it has noticed and recognized the unconstitutionality of what happened in 2008. Theseconstitutionalists (mocked as "birthers" by the collaborators of the coup) are struggling for the full exposure and prosecution of the impostor. Unlike them, the so called Tea Parties (named so after the rebels of the 1770s) evade any mentioning of the illegitimacy issue, struggling only against certain policies of the "president".

    The constitutionalists pursue the judicial line of fight challenging the courts (see below). However the courts so far audaciously sabotaged each and every attempt to hear the case in merits. The US courts now are no different from the Soviet "courts".

    .................................................. ........

    As of March, 2012, no part of the US Army is up to disobeying the usurper Obama/Soetoro and the treasonous military brass. No part of it appears ready to split away into a separate White Army with the goal to protect the Constitution.

    Even if a certain number of personnel decided to do so, it would be problematic to gain an access to the treasury, hardware, ammunition and high-tech.

    In the moment there is not one state among the 50 states which is ready to secede and to host a would-be White Army of America.

    So far the forces wishing to resist are thinly spread nation-wide, and it is unclear how even to bring them together compactly (not to mention how to feed and provide for them).

    There are no external political powers interested in helping the hypothetical American White Army in restoring the American Constitution (much less the former role of America as the super power)."

    .................................................. ..............

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-15-2012, 09:35 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Do not fear . The american people are very aware of the treason , tyranny and attempted takeover and destruction of the
    america we have always loved and admired . The ' good old boys ' in every state have formed peaceful groups called
    " well regulated american militias " , and each group shares information with the others . Many of the members of these militia
    are former active duty military , and are well trained , well ' equipped ', patriots ~ dedicated to our constitution and the
    american way of life . They are ready to assist the rest of us and to resist any tyranny from the central government
    ( if any there be ) . You will remember that george washington led a group of volunteer militiamen across the delaware river
    to defeat a superior force of british and hessian mercenary soldiers . This required great courage from men who were fighting
    for their very existence as free men . ' we the people of the united states of america must know that this kind of men still live
    and are just as willing to repeat the defense of our beloved nation , at their own peril and risk of losing lives and estates .
    Watch the movies starring mel gibson ~ " the patriot " and " braveheart " . Then you will know .


    • #3
      Check it out for yourselves : google or search American Militias and follow several links . There is also a very important group called
      The County Sheriff ' s Constitutional Posse , which has been endorsed by all militia groups . You can join several of these groups , including the Sheriff ' s Posse . As everyone is aware by now , the County Sheriff is the highest authority of law in his county - even superseding the feds and the military . several times recently . county sheriffs have stopped the feds from violating the rights of citizens . Some sheriffs even told the feds and SWAT teams they would be arrested if they did not leave citizens alone . Check it out .


      • #4
        English edition of Pravda asked me to write an article about my cases prosecuting ObamaForgeryGate

        Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

        Orly Taitz, Esq.

        View the complete post at:
        B. Steadman

