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Swensson GA Case Going to Supreme Court -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

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  • Swensson GA Case Going to Supreme Court -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

    Swensson GA Case Going to Supreme Court

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012


    This is a request for donations

    To Donate:


    Please consider this:

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona recently determined that Obama’s Birth Certificate and Selective Service registration are likely forgeries.

    Not one of the several dozen lawsuits filed to determine Obama’s eligibility has been heard by a judge or jury. All cases have been dismissed with no evidence or witnesses allowed, until Carl Swensson filed a complaint in Georgia to keep Obama off the ballot unless he can prove he is eligible.

    In that case, Judge Michael Malihi, determined that Obama was eligible as a Natural Born Citizen. Even though Obama ignored a subpoena to attend, did not send his attorney and did not present any evidence in his defense, the judge ignored the plaintiff’s evidence and witnesses and ruled in Obama’s favor.

    There are thousands of us trying to preserve our Constitution by making Obama prove he is eligible. Every motion has failed, because no judge will listen to the American people.

    No case has even made it in front of a court, until Carl Swensson filed his.

    Carl Swensson has been in the forefront of challenging Obama’s eligibility since before Obama took office.

    He has used his own money to file criminal charges of Treason against Obama in US Federal Court in Atlanta. He has formed Citizen Grand Juries to consider the evidence against Obama and indictments were issued by those Grand Juries.

    Carl’s current case against Obama in Michael Malihi’s court has been appealed by Carl and is going to the Georgia Supreme Court, where it will probably be dismissed.
    If so, the case must be filed in the United States Supreme Court where Clarence Thomas, when asked about Constitutional eligibility requirements for the President, replied, “We’re evading that”.

    Carl Swensson has a good basis to appeal to the US Supreme Court.

    Judge Malihi’s decision was based on non-existent evidence and ignored evidence in front of his nose. He cited a law that does not exist.

    In order for this case to proceed to the US Supreme Court, Carl needs money. He can not afford the legal fees by himself. He is risking his freedom, his business, his family and his very life in his attempts to honor our Constitution.

    If you have any respect left in you for America, please send him some money immediately. If you have any common decency as a human being, stop waiting for some Knight in shining armor riding a white Steed to come to our rescue. There are no rescuers coming. It is only up to us.
    Stop sitting on your butts complaining. Contribute to someone who is actively fighting every day, to protect your life and your property. Carl doesn’t make any money in this. He’s going broke fighting for you and the rest of us."

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    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman