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Media threatened with federal investigations if Obama BC story reported

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  • Media threatened with federal investigations if Obama BC story reported

    Media threatened with federal investigations if Obama birth certificate story reported

    Coach is Right

    Doug Book, staff writer


    "Individuals and member organizations of the American media were threatened with FTC and FCC investigation if information gathered by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse concerning the forgery of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate were passed on to the American public.

    It was Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo who made this stunning revelation, stating “During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs.”

    And Jerome Corsi, author of “Where’s the birth certificate,” the book whose imminent publication was responsible for forcing Barack Obama to quickly create and place the fraudulent long form birth certificate on the White House web site, has said that “Testimony is being developed that the White House is intimidating, in a systematic way, the mainstream media and if any broadcasters dare go into this birther story, they’re going to risk FCC investigations… people are going to have careers ruined… thrown off the air.”

    Zullo went on to say the threats actually caused some individuals to “…quit their positions over safety concerns for their families.”

    Those who tuned in to the web-cast of the Cold Case Posse report will recall that the scant few media members in attendance made it their business to represent the President rather than report on the information presented about the fraudulent birth certificate. Each “reporter” in his turn questioned the motives of Sheriff Arpaio and the political leanings of Mike Zullo, clearly far more interested in developing a tale of “right-wing conspiracy” than in the facts reported by Posse investigators.

    And as only the internet would make the American people aware of what is arguably the most extraordinary crime committed against the American public in the past century, Zullo and Corsi teamed up to create an e-book which would make known all of the pertinent facts and findings of the investigation–facts which had of course been blacked out by the legacy media."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, "Media threatened with federal investigations if Obama birth certificate story reported", which was started 3/20/2012 by 'Oldpuppymax'

    The thread references the 3/20/2012 'Coach is Right' article having the same title, which was written by Doug Book.

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #58, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "The threats that Soros made were to the media companies’ heads. Those media heads told their on-air personalities that Soros had threatened to annihilate them with FCC and FTC harassment after the election if anybody or their guest reported on the eligibility issue - and the companies themselves told their employees that their careers would definitely be over if they reported on it, and the not-so-subtle implication was that their lives and their families’ lives were questionable.

    So it was actually the media companies who threatened the employees - with certain loss of career and probable death of them or their family members.

    I spoke with Mike Zullo yesterday and he said that the witnesses to these threats are scared stiff. They can’t get witness protection until the feds are involved. Let me state the obvious here: Eric Holder’s stranglehold on federal law enforcement and Congress’ unwillingness to make ANY LAWS stick is resulting in normal people going about their everyday jobs being afraid for their lives and the lives of their families. It’s really not an exaggeration to say that the USA has become communist Russia in many ways.


    Here’s what I posted earlier, which contains links and other related information:

    I’m pretty sure Clear Channel was one of the radio media companies that was threatened in October of 2008 and again within a few months after the election.

    My dealings with my local Fox radio station, KFAB out of Omaha, strongly suggested to me that the threats were extended all the way down to the local level.

    What Soros is doing here makes Al Capone seem like a choir boy. This is total, tyrannical control over the airwaves of every square inch of America. I REALLY, REALLY hope Americans wake up to see what’s happening here and decide not to let the Soros coup work.

    For those who haven’t been following the story of the media threats, I’ll re-post from a previous post:

    The major media companies have been threatened - at least once before the election and at least once in the first few months after the election - with both FCC and FTC annihilation after the election if they reported about Obama’s eligibility issue, and it’s claimed that Glenn Beck left Fox because the threats continued even after Beck ridiculed “birthers” but continued to report on Soros’ and Obama’s ties to communists and Islamists. Beck couldn’t provide protection for the lower-level staffers and Fox refused to provide protection and tried to stop him from exposing Soros’ ties because somebody from Fox’s Board of Directors is tied to Soros financially.

    Most people in the major media are in bed with Obama and Soros and their communist-Islamist alliance so they didn’t mind the threats. Doug Hagman says that’s actually what one witness said was brought out in one of the meetings where the media company told the on-air personalities that their jobs would definitely be lost and their lives and families’ lives were questionable if they reported on the eligibility issue.

    But the threats were very real for the “conservatives”, which explains why we’re basically functioning without ANY media willing to cover the communist-Islamist coup currently taking place within our own country.

    Those claims were made by Doug Hagman. Links are below. The transcript of Hagman’s interview with Laurie Roth can be seen in Tom Ballantyne’s book “Oh Really O’Reilly”, for anybody who doesn’t want to slog through 3 hours of audio.

    And Mike Zullo, commander of Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, has verified that the threats actually did take place. See for the article, and/or see for discussion regarding the article.

    I’ll post here a comment I made earlier that gives the links for the Hagman information. I should also add that before I got confirmation of the accuracy of Hagman’s claims from Mike Zullo personally, I constructed a timeline of events related to potential Soros threats, and based on that timeline I had already seen that Hagman’s claims were very credible, which is why I reported them to Zullo and why he investigated them himself. (It was when I tried to forward my timeline to Zullo that my ISP informed me that my reply to Mike’s e-mail couldn’t be sent because the address failed; so I forwarded it to a go-between who forwarded it to him with no problem. Somebody with power to control the ISP didn’t want me communicating with Mike about Soros’ threats.)

    Those threats were actually basically repeated PUBLICLY when Media Matters told Ben Smith that they were conducting guerrilla warfare against Fox, trying to get British regulators to destroy NewsCorp - right after Hannity had agreed with Trump’s statements that Obama should release a BC (which led to the release of what the posse has now confirmed is a forged BC).

    Here is what I posted earlier about this, which puts into perspective Breitbart’s death, the bomb scare with Rush Limbaugh, and the presser all happening on the same day (taken from the thread at ) :

    Right, but if he depends on Clear Channel for anybody to hear him, they can tell him what to say.

    And this is a critical issue because Soros has threatened the media companies - including both TV and radio - if they reported on the eligibility issue. The same day as Sheriff Arpaio had a press conference saying there is probable cause that Obama’s birth certificate and draft registration are both forged, two of the most independent and effective conservative media entities received “messages” intended to be overheard by every reporter at that presser. Rush had the bomb threat situation. And just hours after interviewing Sheriff Arpaio, Breitbart was dead.

    So the country isn’t hearing that a law enforcement investigation found that Obama’s records are forged. They’re hearing that Limbaugh called a gal a slut.

    What the MEDIA, though, is hearing, is that Soros meant what he said when he threatened them - because Soros is working on taking out anybody in the media who MIGHT HAVE reported on the crimes that Soros & Co have committed to take the White House and country by an illegal coup.

    The media is scared spitless. WND has also reported on this now; a thread about it is at Doug Hagman had investigated that, and the posse has corroborated his claims. What Hagman said was that the media people he spoke to were scared - and that was long before this situation with Breitbart and Limbaugh."

    Some links:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The following is COMMENT #59, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      "If the threat to Fox (for instance) was truly FCC or FTC annihilation after the election, Fox could have reported it to the Bush DOJ and to the public and Obama would have been history. I don’t believe Ailes told his people the real threat.

      I believe the real threat was another run on the bank like Soros’ communist and Islamist allies had done in Sept 2008. Another run on the bank that would have ended capitalism and the world economy as we know it - which is what President Bush was saying would happen if we didn’t pass TARP. As we know now, TARP was just a way to reward the buddies of Soros and his puppet Obama. I believe a reward for helping to make the run on the bank. Until that run on the bank, McCain was leading Obama in the polls and rising; after the run the polls turned to exactly the reverse.

      Anyway, as I’ve said elsewhere, it sounds crazy but there are lots of reasons I believe this is what the threat was. And I believe it was actually made first to John McCain and President Bush in a single day (the day Bush gave the speech saying the world as we know it would end if we didn’t pass TARP, and the same day that McCain suspended his campaign and wanted to cancel the debates). Then it was made to Judge Surrick when he was taking Berg’s lawsuit seriously - resulting in a sudden 180 by Surrick, similar to the sudden 180 by Judge Malihi in the GA Ballot Challenge. Then it was made to the media. Later it was made to Chief Justice Roberts on the same day that SCOTUS refused to hear Donofrio’s case - which was the same day Roberts issued an unprecedented invitation for Obama to visit SCOTUS.

      That’s my theory. I can’t prove it but it explains everything we’ve seen. An alternate theory is that the threat was the threat of Black riots. That threat was used to get Obama nominated over Hillary, and Maj Gen Paul Vallely has said he believes that threat is what kept Congress, SCOTUS, and the military from dealing with the eligibility problem.

      In any event, there are 2 realities of life that pose a huge threat to the continued existence of free America: a significant portion of the population which is willing to riot at the beck and call of union leaders, and debt that makes our economy so fragile that an alliance of communists and Islamists COULD hold the whole system hostage to threats of economic terrorism.

      The democrat Congress since Sept 2008 has never passed a budget. That makes uncertainty that keeps people from investing in business here and creating jobs. It keeps the economy fragile, which is what gives Soros power over anybody who cares to see the free world continue.

      I believe we need to ask our Congress-critters what they have done or WILL DO to ensure that another run on the bank could never be effective enough to be used as a threat to hold Congress, media, courts, military, and law enforcement hostage.

      The first step to getting our country back could well be the Paul Ryan Budget - or anything that would take away Soros’ economic power to threaten the entire system, if my theory is correct.

      I believe we are in serious, serious doo-doo. Too many good people who love this country are doing things that make no sense unless they are acting out of duress - and these are brave enough people that I don’t think it’s mere personal duress but actually the future of the nation and world being held hostage."
      B. Steadman

