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AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio Asks Selective Service to Investigate Obama's Registration

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  • AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio Asks Selective Service to Investigate Obama's Registration

    Joe Arpaio's "Birther" Investigation Gets More Ridiculous by the Hour -- Sheriff Asks Selective Service to Investigate Obama's Registration

    Phoenix New Times

    By Matthew Hendley


    "Less than 24 hours after we told you about the mailman claiming the "foreign" Barack Obama hinted to him about a "prearranged" presidency while hanging out at the Ayers residence, and just hours after we asked our readers if this whole thing could get any more loony, it happened again.

    Fresh out of the press-release department of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office is a letter from Sheriff Joe Arpaio, asking the director of the Selective Service System to open an official investigation into President Obama's Selective Service registration.

    Arpaio's letter can be found by clicking:"

    WARNING: Site is not birther friendly!

    View the complete article, with linked letter from Sheriff Arpaio to the Director, Selective Service System, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Sheriff Joe Arpaio , Jerome Corsi , Joseph Farah , Donny Trumpet and every other pseudo - researcher are still ignoring and failing to consider the only authentic birth certificate for o' blamer . MAKAHAYAN has sent the information to all of these and 250 other sources of news several times , and still no acknowledgement of the message or the document . Recently , the message was sent again , and included the email contact for Larry Klayman , who is probably the best possibility for us to actually get some real results . He is the only man to successfully sue a sitting president ( ' slick willie ' ) and he knows the methods that will work .
    Along with the message to Klayman , we included the youtube links and this site . Also , the videos of Tim Adams ( who swears that there is no birth certificate for obozo in Hawai ' i ) the video of a mailman telling that o' baloney was sponsored by the Ayers family as a foreign student , and a video showing the even
    the Russians knew about obummer in 1992 ( the Tom Fife story . With a little luck , Klayman will read and consider all this information & make our dream happen .


    • #3
      Sheriff Joe Arpaio Gives U.S. Selective Service Director Larry Romo 30 Days to Investigate and Release Obama's Original Selective Service Form
      for Forensic Document Examiners to Analyze

      Birther Report


      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Sheriff Joe wants Obama's original draft card

        Asks feds: What steps will be taken to investigate possible forgery?


        Jerome R. Corsi

        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman

