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From a research paper by Tim Adams -- Attorney Orly Taitz

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  • From a research paper by Tim Adams -- Attorney Orly Taitz

    From a research paper by Tim Adams

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    "... below is page 26 (of 106) of this graduate study research paper written by Timothy Lee Adams of WKU. Signed by 4 PHD’s Western Kentucky


    Discourse and Conflict: The President BO Birth Certificate controversy and the new media: Signed by 4 PHD’s Western Kentucky U. Page 26:

    In the case of President Obama’s natal narrative, a similar campaign of obfuscation has actively and admittedly been pursued by most of the major media, despite all evidence to the contrary. Groups like FactCheck.Org have a so-called Certification of Live Birth available on their website that purports to prove the President’s birth in Hawaii in 1961. The widespread media hyping of this forgery during the presidential elections of 2008 has led to several claims, none of which have any basis in reality.

    “The Obama administration has placed his birth documentation online.”

    In fact, neither the State of Hawaii, nor the Obama administration has ever claimed the purported document as theirs. A simple comparison shows the document is not a Hawaii, state-issued, document.

    “The C.O.L.B. has been certified by the State of Hawaii and contains a Notary Seal from the State."

    Fact: Contrary to several media reports, it does not.

    “The State of Hawaii changed the birth certificate documents. These are the new ones.”

    Fact: The C.O.L.B. document is dated 2007. Two years before the laws were changed in 2009."

    .................................................. ..................

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    B. Steadman