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Last-ditch push for candidate birth proof -- Yuma Sun

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  • Last-ditch push for candidate birth proof -- Yuma Sun

    Last-ditch push for candidate birth proof

    Yuma Sun

    Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services


    "PHOENIX — A Phoenix Republican is making a last-ditch push Tuesday to allow any Arizonan to force Barack Obama — or any presidential candidate — to come to court here to defend the legitimacy of his candidacy.

    Rep. Carl Seel is pressuring Senate President Steve Pierce, R-Prescott, to clear the way for a floor debate on his bill authorizing such lawsuits. Seel said Pierce is refusing to yank the bill from a Senate committee that has run out of time to hear it.

    But Pierce said Monday he cannot bring HB 2480 to the Senate floor until Sen. Nancy Barto, R-Phoenix, who chairs the Committee on Healthcare and Medical Liability Reform, where the bill is assigned but has not been heard, gives her permission.

    Barto, however, said she will not do that until Seel shows her he has the votes for approval of the measure on the Senate floor. Barto said there was no reason to engage in a divisive floor debate without some assurance the concept has the necessary votes.

    So Seel is trying to round up that support today with a press conference with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Seel promised that Arpaio, who already has raised questions about the validity of President Obama's birth certificate, will have new evidence.

    Hanging in the balance is a controversial bill to require national political parties to submit an affidavit, signed by the candidate under penalty of perjury, that the person meets all the legal requirements to hold the office.

    But the real heart of HB 2480 allows any Arizona voter to challenge an affidavit, “including the facts or legal conclusions contained in the nomination paper and affidavit.'' That would send the case to a state judge."

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    B. Steadman