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Eligibility invades U.S. town-hall meetings -- WND, Bob Unruh

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  • Eligibility invades U.S. town-hall meetings -- WND, Bob Unruh

    Eligibility invades U.S. town-hall meetings

    'When will there be a congressional investigation?'


    Bob Unruh


    "Heading into the 2012 election, members of Congress probably should expect to be grilled in their various town-hall meetings on the eligibility of Barack Obama to be president.

    That circumstance has followed the announcement from Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona that there is probable cause there was forgery in the creation of Obama’s birth certificate released by the White House last year, and fraud in its presentation as a real document. His Cold Case Posse’s investigation into Obama’s eligibility for the Arizona presidential ballot continues.

    Among the latest members to be challenged on the issue was U.S. Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., who was confronted by questions from a computer document expert who has examined Obama’s purported birth certificate.

    The report comes from Mara Zebest, an author and editor of dozens of books on computer software, who has concluded that Obama’s document is a fraud.

    Earlier, an email from Lungren’s office staff seemed to concede that there are questions about Obama’s eligibility, but the congressman said he doesn’t have those concerns. He held to that line during the questions from Zebest.

    Zebest, in a report on a website questioning Obama’s eligibility, said she confronted Lungren at two recent town hall meetings, in Citrus Heights on March 13 and Rancho Cordova on March 15.

    In the meetings, questions were submitted and then the congressman determined which to answer.

    “With the current rules … Lungren listens to all the comments … takes notes … everyone takes turns at the mic … and after everyone speaks … after Lungren has had time to think about what he wants to say in response … he then gives his response and there’s NO reactions allowed at this point,” Zebest said.

    She said that at the first meeting she referenced the Arpaio investigation and its evidence that Obama’s Selective Service card may be fraudulent.

    She asked, “When will there be a congressional investigation?”

    Zebest paraphrased the congressman’s response: “On the eligibility issue … I believe the president was born in Hawaii. I had a private conversation with the governor of Hawaii in which she told me that she saw his birth certificate. And keep in mind this is a Republican governor … so I believe what she told me.”

    Since the format didn’t allow a follow up, Zebest went to the next meeting, where she told Lungren, “Your response was to tell me that you talked with a governor who said she saw the document. I have several problems with that response. First, that was the previous governor, and according to Hawaiian law, it is illegal for the governor to see the document, so why would she be allowed to see it?

    “The current governor said he would put the issue to rest and later confessed he could not find any document on file. But assuming Gov. Lingle at her word … that she saw the document …. is Gov. Lingle a document forensic expert? Because Arpaio is an official law enforcement agency and has had forensic experts examine the documents presented by the White House and there is no doubt for the [Cold Case] Posse investigators that the documents put forth by Obama are forgeries.”

    Zebest said everyone in the room “applauded my little speech.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman