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AZ Candidate Certification Bill Killed? AZ HB-2480 Not Listed On Meeting Notice

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  • AZ Candidate Certification Bill Killed? AZ HB-2480 Not Listed On Meeting Notice

    Arizona's Candidate Certification Bill Killed? Arizona HB-2480 Not Listed On Meeting Notice

    Birther Report



    Arizona's Candidate Certification Bill Killed? Arizona HB-2480 Not Listed On Meeting Notice For Monday. See Here ( )

    Excerpts from The New American article published Friday: 'Arizona Birther Bill Faces Obstacles'

    "According to Seel, "[HB 2480] gives the average citizen the capacity … to challenge any candidate appearing on the Arizona ballot, whether they are properly qualified to be on the said ballot … and the capacity to preserve, defend and protect their Constitution.”

    The bill also requires that national party chairmen sign on behalf of their candidates, and if that candidate is later found to be ineligible, both the candidate and the party chair would be charged with perjury.

    But while the bill has the support of members of both the state Senate and House, it is being held up by Senate President Steve Pierce, who claims that he will not clear the way for the measure to come to the Senate floor until Senator Nancy Barto — chair of the Healthcare and Medical Liability Reform Committee where the bill is currently being stalled — allows its passage.

    Seel contends that the bill is being stalled because Senator Barto has solicited from Seel a “laundry list” of names of all the Arizona Senators who have committed to vote for the bill. Critics assert that Barto’s demands are unorthodox, as most legislatures will function on an “honor system” of sorts where lawmakers give their verbal commitment to support a bill. Some suspect that the list of names may be used in an attempt sway each of the lawmakers on the list before the vote reaches the floor. If the bill were to be voted down, it would virtually prohibit any chance for revival."

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    View the complete, original 'New American' article at:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman