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"Obama aide blasts Romney's son for eligibility comment" -- World Net Daily

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  • "Obama aide blasts Romney's son for eligibility comment" -- World Net Daily

    Obama aide blasts Romney's son for eligibility comment

    Democrat campaign levels accusation of 'pandering to dead-enders'

    World Net Daily
    Bob Unruh

    "Matt Romney, whose father, Mitt, is vying for commitments from Iowa GOP caucus voters this weekend, said his dad would release his financial records when President Obama "releases his grades and birth certificate."

    The younger Romney later insisted he was joking, but Barack Obama, in Hawaii now on a vacation estimated to set the taxpayers back some $4 million, saw it as an opportunity to cash in for his campaign. His 2012 fundraising machine immediately posted online: "The Birth Certificate Thing Again?"

    "Matt Romney says his dad Mitt will release his tax returns 'as soon as' President Obama releases his birth certificate," the campaign fundraising pitch by "Grant," said today. "This is how the Romney campaign thinks it's going to win the Republican primary: by pandering to the dead-ender fringe of extremists who still question where the president was born."

    The Obama campaign continued, "We can't rewrite the other side's talking points for them, but we can drive up the cost of this kind of politics. So we're re-releasing our coffee mugs with the president's birth
    certificate smack-dab on the side. Get yours today and remind the GOP what we all know is true – our president is made in the USA."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman