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"The Illegal NH Ballot Commission" -- Give Us Liberty

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  • "The Illegal NH Ballot Commission" -- Give Us Liberty


    The Illegal NH Election Ballot Commission

    Give Us Liberty


    "The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission held a hearing on 18 November, 2011, in response to a complaint by a number of your NH State Representatives that a presidential candidate’s application and declaration of candidacy did not conform with the laws of New Hampshire (BLC 665:7 Filing Disputes).

    At this hearing, testimony and 85 pages of evidence were presented showing that the declaration on the application submitted by Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II was, in fact, not true, and that his application was in effect a false swearing. (“No Person except a natural born Citizen” – i.e. born of both U.S. Citizen parents – “shall be eligible to the Office of President.”).

    Mr. Obama, admitted to have been born of a British/Kenyan father, obviously is not eligible, and his candidacy does not conform with the laws of New Hampshire – nor with the requirements of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

    Although on July 19, 2011, less than 4 months earlier, the NH Assistant Secretary of State, Ms. Karen H. Ladd, signed a denial letter to a Mr. Abdul K. Hassan, Esq. to be on the ballot in NH, stating that ‘this office will not accept a filing from any person who is not a natural born citizen’, she stated under oath that the Secretary of State’s office had no further responsibility to check the veracity of an applicant’s application – unless there was a challenge. However, there is no recorded challenge to the application by Mr. Hassan; and the challenge to Mr. Obama’s application was for the exact same reason – with documented proof of his non-natural born citizen status!

    This is perjury, pure and simple, and considering the unanimous decision of the Ballot Law Commission to deny the complaint and accept the falsely-sworn application of Mr. Obama, it appears to be perfectly acceptable behavior to the members of the NH Ballot Law Commission:
    Bradford E. Cook ( Manchester ); Jane Clemons ( Nashua ); Martha Van Oot ( Concord ); Jameson S. French (Portsmouth); & Margaret-Ann Moran (Hillsborough).

    As a result of this blatant election fraud being perpetrated upon the citizens of New Hampshire, there will be a public Press Conference held on the steps of the State House in Concord, NH, on Tuesday, Jan 3, 2012 at 10:00 am – to notify the people of NH of the corruption within their government, and a planned course of action to restore the rights of the citizens to a fair and Constitutional vote. Look out for further details on this rally."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman