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Video: New Jersey Legislator Anthony Bucco Doubts Authenticity of Obama's BC

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  • Video: New Jersey Legislator Anthony Bucco Doubts Authenticity of Obama's BC

    Video: New Jersey Legislator Anthony Bucco Doubts Authenticity of Obama's Birth Certificate

    Birther Report



    Obama Birth Certificate: Anthony Bucco, New Jersey Legislator, Says Issue Unresolved Full Video Below and Excerpt from Huffington Post

    "A Republican lawmaker in New Jersey said that a speech he attended Tuesday night left him doubting President Barack Obama's citizenship and he believes that "a higher authority" needs to determine the issue.

    Assemblyman Anthony Bucco (R-Boonton) said a speech Tuesday by birther advocate Jerome Corsi in Morristown -- coordinated by Tea Party activists and endorsed by the Morris County Republican Party -- left him in doubt over whether Obama is currently a citizen and the authenticity of the birth certificate the White House released last year. Bucco said the information presented came from Corsi's new book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"

    "I haven't really dug down deep, there was some important points raised," Bucco said of the birth certificate issue and Corsi's speech.

    During his speech, Corsi said his research showed forgeries in the birth certificate released by Obama and in other records that Obama released. The evidence shows "the noose is tightening for Obama," said Corsi.

    Bucco said it is not his place to determine whether or not Obama is a citizen. "I am not in a position to say what he put up on screen is demonstrative of evidence; that is for the court of law," Bucco told HuffPost. "This issue has not resolved itself. It won't until some higher authority is involved."

    Bucco has not reviewed the documents Obama released in 2011 in light of Donald Trump's calls for an original copy of the Obama birth certificate to be released by Hawaii officials. He said because he had not researched the material, he did not know if it was the original or a copy."


    View the complete, original article on the Huffington Post at:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman