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Trump wins big, reaches out to mortal foes in GOP -- Washington Examiner, Byron York

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  • Trump wins big, reaches out to mortal foes in GOP -- Washington Examiner, Byron York

    Byron York: Trump wins big, reaches out to mortal foes in GOP

    Washington Examiner

    Byron York


    JUPITER, Fla. — Donald Trump took the podium in the ballroom at Trump National Golf Club Tuesday night after adding a solid win in the industrial Midwest to earlier victories in the Northeast, the South, and the West. And Trump has not only won from Michigan to Mississippi and from Vermont to Nevada -- he has done it with record numbers of voters coming out for Republican primaries and caucuses.

    "The turnout has been just massive, every week," Trump said. "I actually think it's the biggest story in politics today, and I hope the Republicans will embrace it."

    That's not going to happen, at least not now, a week away from winner-take-all GOP primaries here in Florida and in Ohio. Trump's rivals, backed by increasingly alarmed Republican donors, are throwing millions of dollars in negative ads against him in a last-ditch effort to keep him from amassing enough delegates to win the party's nomination outright — and kill their hopes for a contested convention.

    There was something different about Trump at Trump National. Yes, he specifically declined an invitation from the press to declare himself the presumptive Republican nominee. But his message to the party was clearer than he has yet made it in the campaign: I'm going to win, and you should get on board.

    Specifically, Fox News' Carl Cameron asked Trump what his post-Michigan victory message is to the Republican officeholders and elites who are trying to sink his candidacy. "I say let's come together, folks," Trump answered. "We're going to win.

    "Believe it or not, I am a unifier," Trump continued. "I think it's time to unify. We have something special going in the Republican Party. And unfortunately, the people in the party, they call them the elites … but those are the people that don't respect it yet. We have millions and millions of people coming up and voting."

    Coincidentally, just a few hours before Trump spoke, the Republican National Committee was touting the party's remarkably good turnout numbers. "There are a lot of stories on GOP infighting but nobody is mentioning that our turnout across the board is up nearly 70 percent from 2012 while Democrats are down," one official wrote me in an email Tuesday morning. "And we're up 130 percent in states where we invested and have had staff on the ground for 2-4 years (NV, IA, VA, NH)."


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Donald Trump Full Press Conference After Winning MI and MS Primaries (3-8-16)

    Streamed live 3/8/2016 by 'Right Side Broadcasting'

    Tuesday, March 8, 2016: GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump held a press conference in Jupiter, FL at Trump National Golf Club Jupiter. The event took place right after Mr. Trump was declared the winner of the Republican Primaries in Michigan and Mississippi.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Trump infomercial captivates networks

      CNN, Fox, and MSNBC choose billionaire's rambling sales pitch over Clinton and Kasich speeches.


      Hadas Gold


      Millions of viewers tuned into to cable news networks during the prime 9 p.m. EST hour likely expecting to hear some candidate speeches. What they got, on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, was one candidate talking for 45 minutes: Donald Trump.

      All three networks stuck with Trump's long press conference even as it veered into sales pitches for his own product lines, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton, who had won the Mississippi primary in a landslide and was neck-and-neck in Michigan, spoke at the same time. They also mostly ignored Bernie Sanders' speech, which occurred in the 8 p.m. hour and John Kasich's speech, which happened during Trump's event.

      Only MSNBC ran Clinton’s speech in its entirety after Trump finished. And neither Sanders, Kasich, nor any of the other candidates got anything more than snippets of air time.

      .................................................. .............

      View the complete article, including image, at:
      B. Steadman

