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As Polls Open In WI Primary, BOMBSHELL News Has Trump Smiling! -- Political Insider

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  • As Polls Open In WI Primary, BOMBSHELL News Has Trump Smiling! -- Political Insider

    As Polls Open In WI Primary, BOMBSHELL News Has Trump Smiling!

    The Political Insider

    By Kosar, Featured Contributor


    For weeks, pundits and the political establishment has focused on the Wisconsin GOP presidential primary. With 42 delegates awarded proportionally, observers were convinced that WI Governor Scott Walker’s endorsement of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Cruz’s popularity in the state would be the turning point in his campaign against GOP frontrunner and conservative businessman Donald J. Trump. Even Trump’s own advisors thought he was about to lose the state.

    Now we learn that everything the polls were saying is wrong! With an open primary, Trump is now expected to pull off a landslide victory tonight in the Badger State. This is amazing:

    According to American Research Group, Inc., Trump now has a commanding 10% lead, just a week after he was TRAILING Cruz by 10%…

    And his lead is even larger by those who self-label their political party preference:

    As Trump told voters in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on Monday, an upset tonight would end the Republican primary quickly:

    “If we do well here, folks, it’s over,” Trump said. “This could be the real beginning. If it’s not, I think we get there anyway, and I’m pretty sure we get there anyway.”


    View the complete article,including images, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Poll: Trump Takes 10 Point Lead Over Cruz in Wisconsin’s Home Stretch

    Breitbart / 2016

    Matthew Boyle


    Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has taken a 10-point lead over Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in Wisconsin in the final hours before the critical primary on Tuesday, a new poll released on Monday afternoon shows.

    The bombshell new polling data, from American Research Group (ARG), show Trump’s 42 percent towering over Cruz’s 32 percent in the Badger State. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for whom it is already mathematically impossible to win the nomination outright before the GOP convention in Cleveland in July, lurks back at 23 percent.

    The poll surveyed 400 likely voters and has a five percent margin of error. It was conducted from April 1 to April 3. 54 percent of likely GOP primary voters polled in Wisconsin were men, 46 percent were women.

    The Washington Post‘s Chris Cillizza signaled this poll is a “siren” worth looking at.

    The results are certainly different than other recent polling that has shown Cruz with a similar lead over Trump. ARG has had mixed results throughout the campaign, finding Trump a point back behind Cruz in Texas. Cruz ended up winning Texas by big margins, well more than 10 points. In Florida, ARG had Trump up 25 points over Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) –seven points too many. But in New Hampshire, ARG had Trump up 16 points – which was about right. Trump won the Granite State by 20 points.

    Marquette and Fox Business polls released last week showed Cruz with 10-point leads over Trump and a smattering of other polling over the last week showed Trump trailing Cruz by around five to seven percent.

    It’s unclear if this new ARG poll has any truth to it, but Trump and Cruz have been dueling on the campaign trail over the past few days throughout the state. Both have been barnstorming the state, going all in for Wisconsin.


    View the complete article, including tweet and images, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Poll: Wisconsin Republican Primary

      American Research Group, Inc.


      About this Survey -

      Survey Sponsor: American Research Group, Inc.

      The American Research Group has been conducting surveys of voters since 1985.

      Sample Size: 400 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of likely Republican primary voters living in Wisconsin (240 self-reported Republicans and 160 self-reported independents and Democrats.

      Sample Dates: April 1-3, 2016

      Margin of Error: ± 5 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

      Question Wording:

      If the 2016 Republican presidential primary were being held today between (names rotated) Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump, for whom would you vote?

      Using a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 meaning that you will definitely not vote in the 2016 Republican presidential primary and 10 meaning that you will definitely vote in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, what number would you give as your chance of voting in the 2016 Republican presidential primary?

      View the complete presentation at:
      B. Steadman

