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How Donald Trump will Beat the GOP Establishment --, Dr. Ed Berry

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  • How Donald Trump will Beat the GOP Establishment --, Dr. Ed Berry


    By Dr. Ed Berry, PhD, Physics


    On April 5, one of my subscribers sent me the following email:

    Dr Ed, I'm very sad that Donald Trump lost tonight in Wisconsin. Is this the end to him winning? Can my family still have hope and support him? We just feel very sad and feel like no one is treating him right! How can this be allowed?

    Actually, my family stopped watching anything on the news channels...just depressing and mean how they treat Donald Trump!! We hope things still end up with him winning and becoming our next PRESIDENT!!

    Do we still have hope? Or is this going to be controlled by the GOP!! We feel very distraught and need you to give us some hope!!!

    Thank you, [subscriber]

    Dear Subscriber,

    We are in a "Star Wars" battle. Trump's supporters are faithful to Trump and Trump will defeat the Darth Vader GOP Establishment.

    Let's look at the new delegates. Here's where the race for the nomination stands today:

    We use RealClearPolitics data as of April 12. Trump needs 482 more delegates or 58% of the remaining delegates. Cruz needs 692 more delegates or 83% of the remaining delegates.

    Let's estimate the delegate count after New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island vote. We use the projected delegate wins estimated by Nelson Hultberg.

    Of course, no projection can be exact. Voter fraud happens. Polls error by a few percent.

    But poll data indicates the delegate chart will look like this after April 26:

    Trump will have about 929 delegates. He will need only 308 more or 55% of the remaining delegates to get 1237.

    Cruz will have about 638 delegates. He will need 599 delegates to get 1237 or 106% of the remaining delegates. Therefore, Cruz will be out of the race for 1237. But he will remain in the race to help the GOP establishment try to stop Trump from getting 1237 delegates.

    Let's look at the full list of the states yet to vote. We showed the data in this list through April in the above chart. Here is the rest of the projected data using Hultberg's estimated delegates. We assume Cruz gets the delegates that Trump does not win. Maybe Kasich will get some of the votes we have assigned to Cruz.

    In this scenario, Trump ends up with 1226 total delegates, only 11 shy of 1237.


    View the complete article, including images, at:
    B. Steadman