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Let's just settle everything on Election Day -- WND, Joseph Farah

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  • Let's just settle everything on Election Day -- WND, Joseph Farah

    Let's just settle everything on Election Day

    Exclusive: Joseph Farah demonstrates absurdity of GOP on eligibility issue


    Joseph Farah, 'Between the Lines' Editorial


    "Republican officeholders fear to challenge Barack Obama on his eligibility for some reason.

    Maybe they think it will blow up in their faces.

    Maybe they think he is actually eligible.

    Maybe they think the media will ridicule them for raising the question.

    Maybe they don’t care about the Constitution and would like to run their own ineligible candidates for president and vice president.

    Maybe Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same coin.

    Maybe dark and sinister forces control both political parties.

    Maybe they’re just stupid – or ignorant.

    I don’t know what the reason is – maybe it’s a combination of all of the above.

    But if I hear one more Republican candidate or officeholder tell me we should just settle this matter on Election Day and let the American people decide, I think I will lose my cookies.

    Do we need to remind these folks how that worked out in 2008?

    Or maybe we should apply the same logic to some other controversies swirling around in the country.

    Should we halt the challenges of Obamacare in the U.S. Supreme Court and just settle the matter on Election Day?

    Should we halt any further investigation of the “Fast and Furious” scandal in which the Obama administration sold guns to the Mexican drug cartel that were used to kill Americans and settle the matter on Election Day?

    Should we just forget about Solyndra and other scandals related to the giveaway of taxpayer dollars to the green schemes of Obama’s political donors and settle the matter on Election Day?

    Maybe we should just stop talking about any of the problems associated with this illegitimate, fraudulent, stonewalling, tyrannical administration and just hope that the American people vote it out of office on Election Day.

    Maybe we should cease all congressional oversight. Maybe we should suspend operations of the Supreme Court. Maybe we should stop questioning anything Obama does because there’s an election ahead and an opportunity to change administrations. Maybe we should close our eyes to Obama’s vicious race-baiting game, his incitement of violence, his imperial presidency and his outrageous borrowing and spending.

    As a matter of fact, as I look at the Republican Party, especially Republicans in Congress, that seems to be pretty much the game plan.

    Where has the loyal opposition been on any of these issues?

    And we should take their advice on how to fix things?

    Quite honestly, these guys and gals are not giving the American people much of an alternative to choose from.

    I’m quite convinced that if Obama committed a felony on videotape they wouldn’t know how to deal with it.

    They tell us the important issues are policy matters. The policy of this administration is to commit massive voter fraud in the next election – just as its party did in the last one. It is attempting to ensure anybody can vote, regardless of citizenship or registration status and with no proof of identification. It is attempting to ensure that anyone can contribute money to its campaign, regardless of whether the money comes from foreign sources."

    .................................................. ...............

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman