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Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results?

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  • Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results?

    Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results?

    Canada Free Press

    Sher Zieve


    "We seem to have reached the end of the United States of America, folks. At least that is what the Obama syndicate wants us to believe. The time to panic has come and gone and now the great and planned wasteland of what was once our country has already begun its implementation. Will we ever stop it?

    From a recent Obama court’s ruling that passengers have no more rights not to be sexually molested by TSA employees through the US Treasury being summarily routed by Obama, Geithner and the rest of the Obama syndicate’s hordes, the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights having been overturned and decimated by the Soros-directed Obama syndicate, the Second Amendment being compromised by the Obama-Holder illegal “gunwalker” schemes to the NWO’s Agenda 21 (which will now determine where people are allowed to live and work and what transportation they may use) beginning implementation in California (more specifically San Francisco-where else?) the Obama beast and a supplicant and willing Congress have allowed the complete destruction of America.

    It seems that my 2008 prediction may be coming to fruition when I wrote: “After Obama is elected, all of his programs and people to keep him in power indefinitely—and to rid him of any and all opposition—will be firmly in place. You will not be able to vote him out of office. By the time he assumes the position of President of the United States it will already be too late. A democratic republic will last only so long as people of good will allow and fight for it. After they are gone—or removed—it is ended.” An additional and insidious problem is that the US Congress—BOTH the now totally Marxist Democrat Party and the formerly stealth Marxist Republicans—support the policies of Dictator-in-Chief Obama. And now Obama’s planned and irrevocable final coup d’etat of the US government may be enacted.

    In January 2012 a [then] quiet deal was struck between SOE Software (then the leading US vote tabulation company. Scytl is said to be strongly linked to George Soros. The Obama syndicate members arranged the deal and Obama’s now wholly-owned rubber-stamp Congress agreed to it. That’s right. A foreign company may now, ostensibly and unconstitutionally, determine who wins US “elections.” Of extreme interest, Scytl’s CEO, Pere Valles, was the former VP and CFO of GlobalNet whose headquarters were based in Obama’s then base of operations Chicago. Although apparently scrubbed from Obama’s donor list (as so many negative and potentially negative-to-Obama documents and videos have been), Valles is said to have contributed heavily to Obama’s first presidential run.

    Although US States and their precincts are the ones who Constitutionally have counted votes since the US began as a nation, the indication seems to be that all States may now be told by the Obama government that all votes—nationwide—will be tabulated by the foreign company. Also, as all votes are “merged” under the Scytl system, no recounts will be available. Note: As an added “feature,” Scytl also has a SPECIFIC program for military votes. I guess we can now assume military votes will be summarily dismissed if a Marxist-Democrat is in power."

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    B. Steadman