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Solomon You, the Rules Committee and the Trump Nomination --

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  • Solomon You, the Rules Committee and the Trump Nomination --


    by Kelleigh Nelson


    “Do actions agree with words? There's your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words.” — Frank Herbert

    “Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” — Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

    Donald J. Trump is all too aware of the underhanded tactics of the GOP establishment (GOPe). It is why he hired the best man to help him with delegates and rule changes at the RNC Convention. That man is Mr. Paul Manafort, and he is already aware of the various dishonest shenanigans by the GOPe in several states. He will level the path to Mr. Trump’s nomination at the Cleveland Convention in July.

    A Look at Oregon

    Oregon Trump supporters have a convoluted and menacing problem within the GOPe. There are any number of players, but for the purpose of brevity, we’ll concentrate on only one in this article.

    The one to worry about is Solomon Yue. Yue may be one of the Cruz delegate organizers, and he may well be the one who will do all he can to hurt Trump. Yue, like Cruz, is itching to make trouble at the convention. It even looks as though he’d like Trump to lose, in the hopes that Cruz can run and win in 2020.

    Perhaps Mr. Soloman Yue lives by the above quote from Machiavelli, and deception is the key. Oregon’s Trump supporters are very concerned about Yue’s alliances.

    Who is Solomon Yue?

    Yue is involved in a number of organizations, but the few we’re concerned about include his membership in the Republican National Committee’s Standing Committee on Rules, and his membership as the National committeeman for Oregon’s Republican Party for the last 16 years. In 2013, Mr. Yue assumed the role of Founder, Vice Chairman and CEO of Republicans Overseas, representing and influencing a large percentage of the 8.7 million U.S. citizens abroad. Some inside sources feel Yue is independently funded by several Super Pac schemes and by Chinese Communist sponsors.

    Yue’s bio reads that he’s an escapee from Chinese communism, and now a virulent anti-communist and Constitutional conservative. Inside sources in Oregon believe Yue wears a conservative mask that belies his true agenda.

    His business is supposed to be “Ultra Seal” medical gloves. Johnny Chung, the Hong Kong spy implicated in the 90s for funding Clinton’s campaign, may have also “sold” medical gloves, and it could have also been “Ultra Seal.” There is no documented evidence of same, but it is suspect by Oregon insiders.

    Yue Immigrates to U.S.

    Solomon Yue says his grandfather met Democrat Glenn Olds, then president of Alaska Pacific University, at an international Methodist conference, and asked him to assist his 16-year-old grandson, Solomon, in Shanghai, to immigrate. Olds was a consultant to President John F. Kennedy on the creation of social programs, including the Peace Corps, and the formation of Vista, Volunteers in Service to America. Olds was a devout globalist. He was appointed to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and he was also the Chair of the World Federalist Association Board of Directors. [Link]

    Professor Olds was also very much in favor of Communist China joining the United Nations. [Link]

    The Rules Committee

    Solomon Yue has been regarded as one of the driving forces bringing change to the Republican National Committee (RNC). He sits on the committee that could rewrite the rules for the party’s nominating convention for president and vice president from July 16th through 18th in Cleveland, Ohio. There are 112 members of the RNC Rules Committee, and Yue is among the top 20 most senior members.


    View the complete article, including links, at:
    B. Steadman