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A Magnificent Con by the Muslim Khan --

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  • A Magnificent Con by the Muslim Khan --


    by Frosty Wooldridge


    At the Democratic National Convention in July, Pakistani immigrant and Muslim Brotherhood member Khizr Muazzam Khan held up a booklet containing our U.S. Constitution in condemnation of Donald J. Trump’s plans to ban Muslim immigration.

    Did the mainstream media speak up to expose the fact that Khan advocates for Sharia Law to be implemented in the United States? Did “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd expose the fact that Khan’s membership in the Muslim Brotherhood equates to conquering and destroying America’s constitution? Did John Dickerson at “Face the Nation” expose Khan’s legal firm ‘buying’ U.S. citizenships for his Muslim brothers in Saudi Arabia?

    Not a word! In fact, the mainstream media jumped all over Trump rather than defend their own country from the Muslim immigration threat. Its consequences play out all over Europe in accelerating lone wolf massacres and subsequent parallel societies.

    Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, “When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it’s happening more and more often. The new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims. Lone wolf terrorism operates off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. The FBI or other law enforcement agencies cannot monitor even a fraction of the Islamic settler population sympathetic to terror. As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow.” (Source: Right Side News, Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration, August 2, 2016)

    Notice none of the mainstream outlets expose Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin stands first, last and always—a Muslim. The same media that enjoys our 1st Amendment rights never touches the fact that Obama employs 13 Muslims on his staff. One of them named Mr. Magid works on implementing Sharia Law in America. He’s known as the Sharia Law czar in the White House.

    Ironically, Khan conned our nation with its sympathies toward his son killed in 2004. In the intervening years, Khan’s work to bring in more Muslim Brotherhood members and selling citizenship to Saudi Arabian Muslims—illustrates his long term goal: to displace the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law wherever his Muslim immigrants grow in numbers and strength. If allowed or he gained the power, Khan would implement Sharia Law across America in a heartbeat.

    Journalist Theodore Shoebat said, “Khan is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law in the U.S. He was a co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law. During the eighties Khan wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic Sharia Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad.” (Source:, August 2, 2016)

    In other words, Khan advocates for total subjugation of women’s rights, loss of free speech, loss of religious choice, loss of children’s rights and loss of women’s rights to dress as they choose. He works to undermine everything that Americans fought and died for in the last 240 years.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2

    by Attorney Rees Lloyd


    Excuse me for not joining in the hypocritical frenzy of liberal media and supporters of Hillary Clinton over the so called "Khan Family" controversy in which Donald Trump is portrayed as an evil anti-Muslim ogre unwilling to prostrate himself to be lectured at by Hillary Clinton supporter and Muslim immigrant immigration lawyer Khizr Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Human Kahn heroically gave his life in service.

    It happens I believe in the Biblical injunction that the sins of the father should not be visited on the sons. I believe also, however, that the heroism of the son should not be visited upon the father.

    In this case, the son is U.S. Army Captain Humayun Kahn, who gave his life in service. He is a hero who indeed should be honored by all Americans for his sacrifice.

    The father is Khizer Khan. He is a Pakastani Muslim immigrant and immigration lawyer who is neither hero nor a person otherwise to be honored.

    Indeed, Khizr Khan has made his wealth in America as a Muslim immigration lawyer associated with a large law firm by importing other mostly wealthy Muslims in the notoriously corrupt "EB5" immigration visa program. That EP5 cash-cow for immigration lawyers is, of course, threatened by the possible election of Donald Trump.

    After his appearance as a speaker at the Democrat Convention where he was used to attack Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton of Benghazi infamy, Khizr Khan, emulating the corrupt Hillary Clinton who deleted her e-mails from public view, has deleted his law firm's website from the internet lest Americans find out how he has been making his money in the corrupt EB5 immigration program.

    Oddly enough, despite the media frenzy over Trump's failure to genuflect before Khizr Kahn as he exploited his son's death for his own fame and glory and preservation of his EP5 Immigration wealth, all of this about Khizr Kahn was first exposed by Breitbart and by Robert Spencer's "Jihad Watch" (, not by the mainstream media.

    Further, although Khizr Khan dramatically waved a pocket-copy of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution in his star turn as Democrat Party tool, he in fact is the author of tracts supporting the desirability of elevating Sharia Law over our Constitution, as also exposed by Robert Spencer in his Jihad Watch columns.

    Therefore, allow me to to salute and honor the heroic service of the son, Army Captain Humayun Kahn, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in military service for America.

    But excuse me from visiting the heroism of the son on the father, Khizr Khan, who has exploited his son's death as he has exploited America to enrich himself as Muslim immigration lawyer in one of the most corrupt aspects of immigration law, the EB5 program, all the while authoring articles advocating Sharia Law over Constitutional Law.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

