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Trump ignores Gore’s advice; Picks skeptic to head EPA & dismantle climate agenda

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  • Trump ignores Gore’s advice; Picks skeptic to head EPA & dismantle climate agenda

    Trump ignores Gore’s advice, instead picks skeptic to head EPA & dismantle climate agenda

    'Trump listened to what Gore had to say at their New York City meeting and then he exercised his good judgement and did the exact opposite.'


    by Marc Morano - Climate Depot


    Flashback: Trump’s pick for EPA chief declared EPA climate regs were like ‘gun to the head’ (link)

    Greens freak out over Trump’s EPA pick: Call him ‘Dangerous’ – ‘Existential threat to the planet’ (link)

    Climate Depot’s publisher Marc Morano statement on President Elect Donald Trump’s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt pick for EPA chief:

    “President-Elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a breath of fresh air. No longer do we have to suffer under President Obama’s ridiculous EPA ‘climate’ regulations. It is also refreshing that a Republican President is not throwing the EPA over to the green activists and the media by appointing a weak administrator. Christine Todd Whitman he is not! See: Bravo! Trump appoints ‘a fierce critic of the EPA’ — to head EPA! & Cheers! Trump picks leading EPA critic to head agency & NYT: ‘Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Climate Change Denialist, to Lead EPA‘ & Wash Post: Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma AG suing EPA on climate change

    Trump’s pick of Pruitt finally means that a Republican President is standing up the green establishment! Historically, EPA chiefs have been among the most pro regulatory members of past Republican presidents from Nixon through Ford, Reagan and both Bushes. Trump has broken the cycle!

    Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S. EPA. No longer do we have to hear otherwise intelligent people in charge in DC blather on about how EPA regulations are necessary to control the Earth’s temperature or storminess. ..............................................

    No longer do we have to endure GOP presidents avoiding battle over the green agenda by picking EPA chiefs that were timid at best. We know how bad GOP EPA picks have been in the past because many former GOP EPA chiefs endorsed President Obama’s EPA climate regulations. See: EPA chiefs who served under Republicans press for climate action

    If climate skeptics were worried about Trump’s meeting with Former VP Al Gore earlier this week, the pick of Pruitt is reassuring. Basically Trump listened to what Gore had to say at their New York City meeting and then he exercised his good judgement and did the exact opposite. Also see Climate Depot’s new 44 page consensus busting ‘State of the Climate Report’

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    View the complete article, including images and links, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-08-2016, 12:58 PM.
    B. Steadman