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Soros and Obama vs. Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- WND, Chuck Norris

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  • Soros and Obama vs. Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- WND, Chuck Norris

    Soros and Obama vs. Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    Excusive: Chuck Norris applauds 'epitome of good and necessary county law enforcement'


    Chuck Norris


    "For many, the term sheriff conjures up images of the Old West. A few may consider a sheriff some form of outdated and obsolete political office. But for me and countless other patriots across our nation, a sheriff is the epitome of good and necessary county law enforcement.

    As documented on the Durham County website, the position of a sheriff originated in England 1,000 years ago, known then as a shire reeve, who was “the steward of the king’s estates, guardian of the peace, judge and jury of the Shire County (county court) and was the local agent of the king in military affairs. The king also appointed him as the chief police magistrate.”

    In the U.S., the office of sheriff was first established in Virginia in 1634. On Oct. 9, 1662, the General Court of Virginia called Capt. Samuel Stephen “to be a commander of the southern plantation” (which was actually later located in what became North Carolina).

    Of course, if you mention the term sheriff at the moment, most thoughts go racing to Arizona and Maricopa County’s 20-year Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his plight with the feds and fight against illegal immigration.

    Regardless that there is a plethora of amazing sheriffs across the country doing incredible work subduing lawbreakers and keeping their counties clean of mischief, the mainstream media, or MSM, are working double time with the federal government to make sure when you think of sheriffs, the picture painted in your mind is one of runaway renegades – badged outlaws on the loose.

    Despite how you feel about Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s personal conduct, government suspicions or severity of criminal discipline, there is no doubt that the feds entanglements into his affairs are a massive overreach of local and state laws and jurisdictions. It is pathetic that President Obama himself as well the entire left-wing progressive establishment is in a multi-million dollar smear campaign to discredit and take down Sheriff Joe, as his own re-election website proclaims, “because I have led the fight in Arizona against illegal immigration.”

    Rush Limbaugh was right in recently calling out the MSM’s bias against Sheriff Joe in that, despite that he received repeated online death threats by an avid Obama supporter, not a single left-wing news source reported it. But a year ago, when Rep. Gifford was shot by a madman, the MSM were quick to incriminate any right-wing sources, including polemical innuendos on former Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin’s and Rush Limbaugh’s websites, for contributing to the killing spree on that dark, tragic Arizona day.

    My question is this: If there isn’t any credence to the left-wing demonizing and entrapment of Sheriff Arpaio, then why would billionaire progressive George Soros spend millions of dollars on anti-Arpaio campaigns and pledge millions more to defeat the toughest U.S. Sheriff’s re-election?"


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman