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Arpaio-team prosecutor targeted in 'witch hunt' -- WND, Dave Tombers

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  • Arpaio-team prosecutor targeted in 'witch hunt' -- WND, Dave Tombers

    Arpaio-team prosecutor targeted in 'witch hunt'

    Bar association order hits 3 who worked with controversial sheriff


    Dave Tombers


    "A longtime prosecutor who worked in concert with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose Cold Case Posse found probable cause that Barack Obama’s birth certificate was forged, says he was caught in a “witch hunt” for trying to remove corruption in the county.

    A disciplinary panel for the Arizona Bar Association recently ordered the revocation of two attorneys’ law licenses and suspended the license of a third in a case WND first reported last fall. William O’Neill, the state’s presiding disciplinary judge, announced the decision.

    Former county prosecutor Andrew Thomas has a deadline Tuesday to say whether he will appeal the decision. An ethics panel found Thomas’ office wrongfully accused three officials of illegal conduct to embarrass them.

    Thomas has defended the prosecutions as necessary for rooting out corruption in government.

    The allegations included scandal, fraud, payoffs and lavish vacations by county officials.

    Thomas told WND, “This has been a massive cover-up and, for me, genuinely a Dreyfus-like injustice.”

    WND has learned that as many as 11 county employees have been terminated in recent months for allegedly accepting bribes in a court tower construction scandal – one of the Thomas investigations that was stymied.

    WND has also learned that the FDIC recently announced the loss of millions of dollars. There also are allegations that some $5.5 million was linked to county official Don Stapley, the subject of another Thomas investigation that was thwarted.

    The October WND report documented the early troubles between then-Maricopa County Attorney Thomas and County Supervisor Stapley.

    In 2006, Stapley tried to rein in Thomas’ ability to hire outside counsel for the county, saying Thomas based his “appointments upon who was favorable to him, not necessarily who was best qualified to represent the county.”

    According to the complaint, the county board, under Stapley, wanted to oversee attorney selection and even hire outside counsel for the board itself. Thomas let them know on numerous occasions that the actions were illegal.

    The complaint quoted Thomas saying, “Board members are immune from suit when they rely in good faith upon opinions of the county attorney, but no such immunity would apply and they may be personally liable for actions on advice of other counsel.”

    Thomas essentially was arguing that the citizens of Maricopa County elected him to be the county attorney, and Stapley’s actions gave the appearance of circumventing the wishes of the voters."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman