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Death of coroner's official involved with Breitbart examination: Arsenic poison?

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  • Death of coroner's official involved with Breitbart examination: Arsenic poison?

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'LAPD: Coroner’s Official May Have Died From Arsenic Poisoning', which was started 4/27/2012 by 'BenLurkin'

    The thread references a 4/27/2012 CBS-Los Angeles article having the same title, written by John Brooks (

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #27, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "And timed remarkably well for that purpose as well...

    The problem the Soros thugs face is that they have to have plausible deniability to hide what they’ve done, but for the threats to be effective they have to be known BY THE RIGHT PEOPLE to be threats. The most effective way to do that is by the timing.

    Which is how the Soros people threatened the Clintons into not pursuing Obama’s ineligibility. It’s also how the Breitbart death and Rush Limbaugh bomb scare were effective in keeping all the media from reporting the evidence from Arpaio’s presser that very day.

    In this case the timing seems very interesting. Toxicology report out but not the coroner’s report, and a poisoning in the coroner’s office precisely when the coroner’s office would be deciding whether to report on the only forensic evidence that would reveal the most probable source of foul play in the Breitbart death: the small skin-prick where a heart attack dart entered the body. That would only be known to the coroner(s) who examined the body, which means they would be vulnerable to death threats.

    I wonder if this guy examined Breitbart’s body, or if somebody else in the office did."

    The following is COMMENT #32, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "April 20 (according to this article) - coroner taken to hospital and dies of arsenic poisoning

    April 21 - LEAD coroner Craig Harvey (so there were apparently other coroners working on the case as well, though we don’t know who...) releases toxicology report on Andrew Breitbart. See

    Says the final report is supposed to come out “next week”. Says no prescription or illicit drugs were detected (that absence WOULD be the case for a heart attack dart but would NOT be the case if he was being treated for heart disease as reported adamantly by his friends after the first reports of his father-in-law saying he knew of no heart condition.

    Also says alcohol level was negligible, which means that it wouldn’t explain his bright red color either. See

    Said no “significant trauma” was present (a heart attack dart would leave “no significant trauma”) and no foul play is suspected. (Which is what you’d expect the coroner’s office to report if somebody in their office was killed by arsenic poisoning just the day before your findings were to be released...)"

    (bold emphasis added)

    The following is COMMENT #34, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "One other note. The early report that I saw on the day of Breitbart’s death not only had the father-in-law saying he know of Andrew having no heart problems, but it had the communications person for the coroner’s office saying that Andrew hadn’t been seen by a doctor for over a year. Now the toxicology report says there were no prescription drugs.

    Contrast that with the claims by Breitbart’s “close friends” that he had been hospitalized for 2 weeks after a massive heart attack within the last year. I’ve known a lot of people who have had heart attacks, and I can guarantee that if he had a massive heart attack within the past year he would have been seen by a doctor within that time and he would have prescription drugs in his body at all times.

    This is now two specific claims from the coroner’s office that refute the public stories being told by Breitbart’s “close friends” - all of which are too scared to address Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s findings which were released to the public on the day Breitbart died and which Breitbart himself applauded Sheriff Joe for just hours before Breitbart fell to the ground dead.

    A source who is not supposed to be named on Free Republic has claimed he spoke to some people close to Breitbart who said they know it was an assassination. That would explain their desperate claims that he had had a massive heart attack - even though the coroner’s office has released 2 details which refute that claim.

    One of the people who claimed that Andrew had suffered from heart problems was Sean Hannity - the same guy who in response to Andrew’s death said he would thoroughly vet Obama no matter what the cost and scheduled an interview with Mike Zullo of Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse... but at the last minute backed out of that and won’t touch the issue of the forgeries and fraud involving Obama’s BC and draft registration. Like Breitbart’s colleagues won’t touch the issue - claiming that those 2 federal felonies are not important enough to be discussed."

    (bold and underline emphasis added)

    The following is an excerpt from COMMENT #38, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "Looks like the guy who may have photographed Breitbart’s body was killed by arsenic poisoning the day before the coroner released a statement based on Breitbart’s toxicology results.

    The toxicology results do not support the claims by friends that he was being treated for heart problems. No prescription drugs were detected. The results ARE consistent, however, with a heart attack dart causing a heart attack. The only way to detect a heart attack dart is by the entry hole for the dart - what would look like a bug bite.

    Which would show up in the photos that this poisoned guy probably took."
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-27-2012, 09:58 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Breitbart's coroner poisoned to death?

    Police probe mysterious demise of L.A. medical examiner


    Joe Kovacs


    "Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death of one of their own officials who may have worked on the case of Andrew Breitbart, the conservative firebrand who died March 1, the same day Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced probable cause for forgery in President Obama’s birth certificate.

    Michael Cormier, a respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public.

    “There are mysterious circumstances surrounding his death,” said Elizabeth Espinosa, a news reporter for KTLA-TV. “We’re told detectives are looking into the possibility that he was poisoned by arsenic.”

    Cormier, 61, had been rushed to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank after complaining of pain and vomiting.

    “He was transported there early in the morning, and passed away late at night,” Ed Winter, assistant chief of operations and Cormier’s colleague at the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner, told KTLA. “It affects everybody when you lose a co-worker, but we’ll proceed and do our job and try to figure out why Michael died.”

    The hospital then notified Los Angeles Police about Cormier’s death.

    “At this point we haven’t ruled out foul play,” police Lt. Alan Hamilton told the Los Angeles Times. “It is one of the things being considered. We are waiting for the coroner’s results.”

    Toxicology results are not expected for five to six weeks."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

