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BOLO: Obot That Threatened to Kill Sheriff Joe On The Run And Headed West

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  • BOLO: Obot That Threatened to Kill Sheriff Joe On The Run And Headed West

    BOLO: Obot That Threatened to Kill Sheriff Joe On The Run And Headed West; Warrant Issued

    Birther Report



    TN man who threatened to kill Arpaio runs away
    By Phil Benson @ CBS 5 Arizona

    PHOENIX (CBS5) - A man arrested in Tennessee in January for threatening to kills Marciopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has reportedly fled the Volunteer State and may be headed to Arizona, MCSO said.

    Adam Cox, 33, was angered by Arpaio's investigation into the legitimacy of President Barack Obama's birth certificate when he threatened the life of Arpaio and his family, sheriff's deputies said.

    Cox reportedly told his probation officer he was heading west. He was last seen about three weeks ago.

    Sheriff's security has been alerted, and Cox's mug shot has been distributed to other law enforcement agencies.

    Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to California and Tennessee during the course of the death threat investigation. Cox posted a number of threats on the internet, saying Arpaio "would die first…filled with a thousand bullet holes and will be buried 10 feet underground and his whole family will be murdered, too."

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman