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Judge shuts down mega-mosque construction in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

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  • Judge shuts down mega-mosque construction in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

    Judge shuts down mega-mosque construction

    Court ruling says county avoided legal building-permit process




    "Work on a mega-mosque already well along in the construction process in Murfreesboro, Tenn., has been shut down – the existing building’s future uncertain – by a court’s ruling the county avoided the legal process required for granting building permission for the project.

    The ruling said the county’s actions effectively violated the state’s Open Meetings law during the time when the mega-structure was being approved.

    “The court finds that the action of the county was not sufficient to provide the type of notice to citizens of the county that such matters were to be considered at the meeting of the Rutherford County Regional Planning Commission which should be expected under our law,” said the opinion made public today from the Chancery Court of Tennessee, 16th District.

    “Under the mandates of the statute, the court then finds that the actions of that commission regarding the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro were in fact void and of no effect.”

    While there was a notice of the meeting in a local newspaper, the paper itself had “virtually no paid circulation,” and there was no showing of any notice on the county’s cable television station or on its website.

    “The court assumed there was no ill intention or willful deception on the part of the county,” the ruling continued.

    “We do not attribute any sinister motives to the county, though we note the undercurrent of the argument presented by the plaintiffs. We simply find that the county failed to publish the meeting…”

    The opinion noted that under the county regulations there is not an entitlement to a public hearing, but there is a requirement that the public be properly notified.

    It further said that the denial of permission for a building to be used “as a religious meeting place” must be done in a non-discriminatory manner.

    Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, one of the attorneys working with the plaintiffs in the case, told WND the next step likely will be a renewal of the attempts by the county to grant building permission. He credited other attorneys on the case, Joe Brandon and Tom Smith, with arguing the case successfully.

    He said the plaintiffs contended the process ignored several factors, including that the land where the now-unusable building stands formerly was a pig farm, which is supposed to be anathema to Muslims.

    He called it a “political power move” on the part of the powers who wanted the mosque to be built."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Hannity confronts Ground Zero mosqueteer

    Exclusive: Pamela Geller cheers Fox host pressing Rauf on Shariah, anti-Americanism


    Pamela Geller


    "Ground Zero mosqueteer Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is pushing a whole new narrative on his deception book tour. So it was particularly delicious to watch Sean Hannity interview, or interrogate, the sly imam on his show last week. The imam Rauf has almost never been challenged by a fawning, complicit media, and he was visibly taken aback as Hannity courageously pressed him on his dishonesty and anti-Americanism.

    Sean pressed Rauf on his most disgusting and outrageous statements, like “United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened” on 9/11, and that “in fact, in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the USA.” Hannity also asked Rauf about a story I broke involving statements the sneaky Rauf made in Australia: “We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaida has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims. You may remember that the U.S.-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children.”

    The slippery imam apologized to Hannity repeatedly for these statements. That was news in itself, as Rauf had never apologized for his statements before, although he claimed to Hannity that he had done so in order to advance his new narrative. Rauf kept insisting to Hannity that the problem isn’t Islamic jihad. The problem, he said repeatedly, is the extremists on both sides. By this Rauf meant Robert Spencer and me on one side, and Osama bin Laden on the other. Rauf considers my work in defense of freedom “extreme” – as if truth in the extreme were a bad thing, or defense of freedom in the extreme were a bad thing. But Sean was having none of it. He was brilliant, and he was relentless.

    Still, Rauf kept on slipping in his lies. He said that the need for women to produce four male witnesses to prove rape was “cultural.” He was lying. In fact it is specified in the Quran (24:4 and 24:13). He also said that no Muslims want to bring Shariah courts to the U.S., contradicting his own words in previous books about how Shariah is one unified whole and cannot be separated into parts, and clearly suggesting that it is something that ought to come to the U.S. He listed six things Shariah is designed to safeguard, including life, liberty and dignity – but these are only safeguarded for Muslim men; Muslim women and non-Muslims are deprived of basic rights under Shariah.

    Hannity did what TV pundits and journalists are supposed to do. They’re not supposed to be the PR arm or delivery service for subversives’ press releases. But that’s just what Hannity’s counterpart on Fox, Bill O’Reilly, was for Rauf last week.

    Two weeks ago in my WND column, I excoriated Bill O’Reilly for whitewashing and fawning over Rauf. O’Reilly was either woefully uninformed or complicit. In either case, he did his millions of viewers no service by misleading them about this stealth jihadist. If Rauf is as moderate as O’Reilly would have us believe, why didn’t he sign the Former Muslims United pledge for “religious freedom and safety from harm for former Muslims”? Why didn’t Rauf stand against the Shariah death penalty for apostasy, and for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who is about to be executed for this in Iran? Why didn’t he mention our AFDI/SIOA Summer Night for Human Rights on June 23, calling for religious liberty and freedom from violent intimidation for Muslim apostates?"


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

