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GUNWALKER: Matthew Boyle tries to get Romney Campaign on record about 'Gunwalker'

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  • GUNWALKER: Matthew Boyle tries to get Romney Campaign on record about 'Gunwalker'

    Matthew Boyle tries to get Romney Campaign on record about the Gunwalker Scandal. (You guessed it -- they ain't talkin'.) OTOH, either Romney can start talking about it on his own or it can be fixed so that he will be forced to talk about it by events.

    Sipsey Street Irregulars

    Mike Vanderboegh

    "Congressman: Romney should be pushing for Fast and Furious accountability."

    Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar told The Daily Caller on Friday that he thinks former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney should help push for accountability in the aftermath of Operation Fast and Furious.

    “I think he does [need to be more vocal],” Gosar said in a phone interview. “I think that people, as they find out about this, are outraged. I think Gov. Romney, with his platform of accountability, needs to bring this forward to explain what is wrong and why his administration won’t be anything like this, outlying the checks and balances that he sees and how the Department of Justice’s role is not a legislative one, it’s about enforcing the laws that are on the books not picking winners and losers.”

    Romney has brought up Fast and Furious only twice during the current election cycle. In December, he demanded Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation over the scandal after initially balking at the question. In early April at the NRA convention Romney repeated that call and praised Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley and House oversight committee Chairman Darrell Issa for their work on Fast and Furious. . .

    Many questions about this scandal remain unanswered as the White House and the Department of Justice have resisted talking about it.

    The Romney campaign has resisted talking about it, too. Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul has not returned requests for comment from TheDC for months and the presumptive GOP presidential nominee hasn’t mentioned the scandal in about two months. . .

    Romney’s decision to highlight another Obama administration scandal, Solyndra, this week has sparked significant mainstream media coverage of the failed solar energy investment and the appearance of cronyism behind it. Romney put that scandal in headlines across the country – coverage that has led to an embarrassing gaffe from White House press secretary Jay Carney, and renewed interest in unanswered questions about Solyndra.

    Gosar thinks Romney could help put national focus back on Fast and Furious, especially considering how Holder has demonstrably failed to comply with all 22 parts of a congressional subpoena for documents relating to the scandal.

    “The more the media covers it, the better,” he said, praising several media outlets who have covered Fast and Furious in depth. “The problem is this love affair the mainstream media has with this administration and this president and trying to hide the facts of how inadequate their policies and understanding of our government actually is. . .”

    “We need this to come to the forefront and we need accountability from the media as well,” Gosar added. “They’re here to report responsible, unbiased dictations to the American people, and I think once we can get that, we’re going to see a lot more streamlining of information as well as accountability for these individuals that have been so egregious in their attempts at destroying this country and its Constitution.”

    Gosar said he thinks that if Carney was forced to answer questions about Fast and Furious in a similar manner to how Solyndra came up this week, the White House press secretary would only be able to utter a cartoon character response: “That, that, that’ll be all folks.”

    “Then, I think what that does is it puts the focus and the spotlight under the magnifying glass,” Gosar said. “And, first of all, that’s why they’ve stalled: They have no answers. It’s because their hands are tied to the cookie jar. . .”

    Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul did not respond to multiple requests for comment for this story.

    Note: Either Romney can start talking about it on his own or it can be fixed so that he will be forced to talk about it by events. The clock is running.

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman