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Will We Soon Have Another Ballot to Challenge? -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

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  • Will We Soon Have Another Ballot to Challenge? -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

    Will We Soon Have Another Ballot to Challenge?

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012


    "Bad enough that the Marxist usurper AKA “Obama” is still on the ballot. After vetting Romney’s eligibility, we still have Rubio and Jindal as potential VP picks to worry about. Both appear to have been born in the USA, with foreign parents who were never citizens. Both are ineligible under Article II and the Twelfth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which we heard is still, at least technically, in effect. They are NOT natural born Citizens. Apparently no one in charge, or with any significant influence, seems to care about this. So, it defaults to “ordinary” citizens to act.

    I am promising it in writing: if an ineligible Republican candidate is nominated, I WILL leave the party and go focus on “prepping,” or something else. I hope millions more will too, but we’re not holding our breath. Organizations like, Article II SuperPAC, Obama Release Your Records, Give Me Liberty 1776, Charles Kerchner Blog, Radio Patriot, Citizen WElls, The Steady Drip, Daily Pen, Jon Swirsky, Dr. Katesview, Mario Apuzzo, Post & Email, Unlawful President, Orly Taitz, and many others will speak up loudly about this issue. Some have already started."

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman