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Political Appointees in Intelligence Agencies Repeatedly Broke The Law To Take Out General Flynn

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  • Political Appointees in Intelligence Agencies Repeatedly Broke The Law To Take Out General Flynn

    Report: Flynn forced out by secret cabal by Rhodes and other pro-Iran Obama operatives

    Canada Free Press
    by Matthew Vadum

    Excerpt: Ben Rhodes and other former Obama administration officials were part of a secret cabal that plotted the downfall of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn months ago, investigative reporter Adam Kredo reports at the Washington Free Beacon.

    Flynn’s sudden resignation Monday night was “the culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump’s national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in and out of the White House who described to the Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.”

    Eli Lake of Bloomberg News has a different view. He rejects the notion that Flynn “resigned because he lied about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the vice president.” To him, it’s not even clear that Flynn lied. “He says in his resignation letter that he did not deliberately leave out elements of his conversations with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak when he recounted them to Vice President Mike Pence.”

    Lake continues:

    A better explanation here is that Flynn was just thrown under the bus. His tenure as national security adviser, the briefest in U.S. history, was rocky from the start. When Flynn was attacked in the media for his ties to Russia, he was not allowed by the White House to defend himself. Over the weekend, he was instructed not to speak to the press when he was in the fight for his political life. His staff was not even allowed to review the transcripts of his call to the Russian ambassador.

    It’s an interesting theory.

    But returning to Kredo’s article, Obama national security propagandist Rhodes, who bragged about creating a media “echo chamber” to promote the botched nuclear nonproliferation agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran, was part of a team that flooded media outlets with stories calculated to destroy Flynn’s credibility. “The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration’s efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.”

    They got rid of Flynn before any of the [secret] agreements even surfaced

    Not long after Election Day Obama loyalists began planning to derail Trump’s national security efforts.

    National security insiders told Kredo that the Obama people carried out “a very troublesome and politicized series of leaks designed to undermine” Flynn.
    Flynn, a source said, was determined to make many of the unseemly details of the dangerously unenforceable nuclear pact public that the Obama administration had deliberately suppressed to win support for the deal. But now Flynn is “gone before anybody can see what happened” to the secret side deals the administration attached to the agreement.
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    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-16-2017, 03:39 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    EXCLUSIVE: In Final Interview, Defiant Flynn Insists He Crossed No Lines, Leakers Must Be Prosecuted

    The Daily Caller

    by Richard Pollock


    In the final hours before his resignation, now-former White House National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn said he “crossed no lines” in his discussion with Russia’s ambassador, but ultimately he was most concerned about the steady stream of leaks to reporters based on classified information.

    “In some of these cases, you’re talking about stuff that’s taken off of a classified system and given to a reporter. That’s a crime,” Flynn told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group during a telephone interview from his White House office on Monday.

    “You call them leaks. It’s a criminal act. This is a crime. It’s not just a wink and a nod,” Flynn said.

    “Over the weekend,” Bloomberg’s Eli Lake reports, Flynn “was instructed not to speak to the press when he was in the fight for his political life. His staff was not even allowed to review the transcripts of his call to the Russian ambassador.”

    On Monday morning, he spoke with TheDCNF at length, saying he was told to “go out and talk more.”

    “He [President Donald Trump] expressed confidence,” Flynn told TheDCNF, just hours before his resignation. “That’s when he told me that we need to go out and talk more. So I’m going to do that.”

    “I haven’t been fighting back because I’m not that kind of guy. I’m behind the scenes. I’ve always been behind the scenes. But this is ridiculous. It’s so out of control. I’ve become an international celebrity for all the wrong reasons.”

    Flynn said he didn’t know where the leaks originated. “One has to wonder, ‘Are they coming out of people in the National Security Council? Are they coming out of people in the intel community? Or State? Or Defense?'”

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    View the complete article, including video and links, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-15-2017, 02:38 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Trump Accuses Intelligence Community Leakers Of Acting ‘Just Like Russia’

      The Daily Caller

      by Chuck Ross


      The ongoing battle between the Trump administration and the U.S. intelligence community escalated on Wednesday after President Trump accused some officials within the FBI and National Security Agency of behaving “just like Russia” by leaking classified information he says is meant to undermine his presidency.

      Trump appears to be responding to recent reports in The New York Times and The Washington Post based on information from anonymous current and former U.S. intelligence officials who have leaked information about former national security advisor Michael Flynn and about former Trump campaign associates’ connections to the Russian government.

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      View the complete article, including image and tweet, at:
      Last edited by bsteadman; 02-15-2017, 03:05 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Political Appointees in Intelligence Agencies Repeatedly Broke The Law To Take Out General Flynn


        The Post & Email

        Sharon Rondeau
        Political Appointees in Intelligence Agencies Repeatedly Broke The Law To Take Out General Flynn

        by Capt Joseph R. John (Ret), ©2017, Chairman, CombatVeteransForCongress

        (Feb. 15, 2017) — Nine appointees in the Obama administration from one or more intelligence agencies, possibly NSA, CIA, or DNI, were involved in leaking sensitive information to the press that resulted in General Mike Flynn’s resignation as the National Security Advisor. The 9 individuals were political activists opposed to President Trump; they released transcripts of recorded phone conversations to the press of General Flynn’s conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the US (by law, the name of any US Citizen in such a classified transcript must be redacted, hiding their identity from the press).

        General Flynn did not violate any laws in his conversations with the Russian Ambassador, and there was no collusion during the election. Unfortunately, General Flynn failed to provide President Trump with complete information about the conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador and misled Vice President Pence, resulting in the need for his departure.

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        View the complete article, including image, links and comments, at:

        B. Steadman


        • #5
          NSA Wiretapping Flynn and Trump White House?

          by Larry Klayman


          In the words of former President Ronald Reagan, the last chief executive prior to President Donald Trump to take strong principled stands to renew the nation to that shining city on a hill, "Here we go again."

          The National Security Agency (NSA), having previously been disclosed by Edward Snowden and my whistleblower client Dennis Montgomery to have unconstitutionally and illegally spied on the telephonic metadata, internet, and social media communications of hundreds of millions of American citizens — including Supreme Court justices, hundreds of lower court judges, prominent businessmen like Trump himself, and ordinary American activists like yours truly — is at it again!

          This time, with the resignation of Trump White House National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn last night — based on telephone NSA intercepts he allegedly had with the Russian ambassador — it's clear that the NSA is spying on the president, his White House, and the administration in general.

          This is highly dangerous, particularly since the intelligence agencies are chock full of loyalists to former President Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their leftist comrades.

          They are also stung by President Trump’s criticism of their incompetence, partisanship, and lawlessness under the direction of former Director of National Security James Clapper, who lied to under oath to Congress about his wholesale illegal spying, yet as a card carrying member of the Washington, D.C., establishment got off scot free from prosecution. And, then there is former CIA Director John Brennan, who was literally at war with President-elect Trump as the hand-picked intelligence hack of Obama himself. Even after his resignation a day prior to the inauguration of President Trump, many of Brennan’s agents remain in place at the CIA.

          Thus, it comes as no surprise that the NSA and likely the CIA continue with their spying, this time on our "the president and his men." This is highly dangerous to our republic, and, as found by one of the few intellectually honest and courageous federal judges on the bench in two cases which I filed a few years ago against the NSA, this conduct is "almost Orwellian," that is, reminiscent of George Orwell’s prophesy in his landmark book, "1984." Orwell’s "Big Brother" has indeed come to pass, as Judge Leon held in ruling in my favor in these lawsuits. (For more information, see

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          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Emergency hearing sought to stop NSA 'spying' on Trump

            'Our own government has committed biggest violation of constitutional rights in history'


            by Bob Unruh


            Attorney Larry Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch, is asking a federal court to hold an emergency hearing on the National Security Agency, alleging “likely” CIA “spying” on President Donald Trump. In an emergency supplement filed Wednesday with the U.S. District Court in Washington, he said the NSA and “likely the Central Intelligence Agency are continuing to violate the [Fourth] Amendment to the Constitution and related statutes.”
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            View the complete article, including image and links, at:

            B. Steadman

