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Oy… here we are again… -- Radio Patriot, Andrea Shea King

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  • Oy… here we are again… -- Radio Patriot, Andrea Shea King

    Oy… here we are again…

    Radio Patriot

    Andrea Shea King


    "Over at Hot Air (well named, by the way…) there’s a poll asking who you’d like to see Romney nominate as his Veep. (Hat tip to Thirdwavedave for calling my attention to it because I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. I stopped reading the Republican establishment-leaning Hot Air a long time ago).

    The top two “winnahs” are both ineligible per Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution.

    People… are we really THAT uninformed? Or is it just the majority of Hot Air readers?

    Here’s the poll result. I’ve added a few of comments from the more astute HA readers. It appears that Obama isn’t the only one tearing up, shredding, lighting afire, and ignoring the Constitution. Woe is us…

    After a long run at the top, Marco Rubio has been overtaken by Bobby Jindal as Hot Air’s pick for vice president. Allen West came in third, followed by Paul Ryan and Condoleezza Rice. Over 2300 votes were cast:"

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman