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Thoughts on ObamaCare -- Colony 14, Don Fredrick

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  • Thoughts on ObamaCare -- Colony 14, Don Fredrick

    Thoughts on ObamaCare

    ObamaCare gives people an incentive not to have health insurance

    Colony 14

    Don Fredrick


    "I spend about $8,000 per year on health insurance premiums. I most certainly do not get $8,000 worth of care every year. I pay the premiums not for “free” treatment of likely minor illnesses or injuries such as strep throat, a sprained ankle, tendonitis, or an infection, but to insure myself against the unlikely possibility of major bankruptcy-inducing medical expenses, such as cancer or heart surgery. (I have car insurance to cover major accidents, not for oil changes.)

    In his infinite wisdom, the thug-in-chief and his Congressional partners in crime have decided that health insurance companies should be forced to sell me a policy even if I have a pre-existing condition. In plain English, that means they must sell me a policy even after I get sick or injured.

    For some reason millions of Americans think that is a good idea. But if I could buy car insurance after I was involved in an accident, or buy homeowners insurance after my house burned down, I would certainly do without that coverage until a catastrophe occurred. There is, in fact, a good chance I may never need the insurance. I may never get in an automobile accident and my house may never burn down. Even if those were to happen, they will certainly not happen every year of my life.

    Thanks to ObamaCare (aka PelosiCare), I can now cancel my health insurance policy and save $8,000 per year. Instead of routinely writing checks to the insurance company, I’ll make routine deposits to my savings account. If I get strep throat, I’m sure my doctor will accept my personal check in payment of treatment. (The only reason I even need to see a doctor is that the government prohibits me from buying antibiotics without a prescription. But that’s another article.) In fact, the doctor may give me a discount for paying cash up front and freeing him from the expense and delay of dealing with an insurance company. If my health care costs run $1,000 for the year—let’s say for an annual physical and treatment of a flu bug or virus—I am $7,000 ahead of the game.

    Five years from now I might have $35,000 in the bank. If I should then get diagnosed with cancer or need surgery of some sort—or anything else that will cost me a substantial amount—I will simply buy health insurance. Thanks to Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and John Roberts, the insurance company cannot turn me down! In fact, it cannot even charge me an outrageous rate. (Barry said that was a no-no as well.)

    If I do not survive the illness or surgery, my family will inherit the $35,000 in my bank account. If I do survive, I will cancel the insurance coverage as soon as my health improves.

    But, you say, the Supreme Court has stated that the federal government can tax me for not buying health insurance. So? I will refuse to pay that tax—which Obama says is not a tax. There is no provision in ObamaCare penalizing me for not paying the tax. (Additional penalties and prison sentences were removed from the legislation before it was passed.)

    Yes, the IRS will reduce my income tax refund by the amount of the ObamaTax, but it can do so only if I have a tax refund. I can make sure that I do not get a refund simply by filling out a new W-4 form that calls for less income tax to be withhold from my paychecks. Next April 15 I will fill out my annual 1040 tax forms, calculate what I owe—subtracting the ObamaTax, of course—and write the IRS a check for the remainder.

    As much as I believe ObamaCare is an unconstitutional abomination, as long as it remains the law of the land I will take advantage of it and save $8,000 per year. I would be a fool not to do so. I assume millions of other Americans also have a modicum of common sense and will cancel their health insurance. While the political left gloats about how it has scored a victory, we non-insureds will be laughing all the way to the bank.

    If you do pay the ObamaTax, jobs will be lost

    For a family of four that earns $50,000 per year, the annual “non-tax tax” for failing to buy health insurance will be about $2,000. (The amounts vary based on income levels and will increase annually, adjusted for inflation. Your salary may not be automatically adjusted for inflation, but your ObamaTax is.) Obama and the Democrats sneakily stalled the tax until 2014, safely past the 2012 elections. But if a President Romney is unable to repeal ObamaCare in 2013, he may be able to do so in 2014 or 2015. When that family of four fills out its 1040 tax form in early 2015 and sees a $2,000 ObamaTax, it is a safe bet that members of Congress will start getting phone calls and letters. Obama is hoping that the average voter will remain clueless about what lies ahead—or clueless until at least November 6. (Note to Barry: If you manage to get re-elected you may be even more unpopular in 2015 than George W. Bush was in 2008.)

    If that family of four actually pays the ObamaTax, $2,000 will be removed from the private economy and shipped to the IRS—and that means job losses. Unlike the Federal Reserve, that family of four cannot print money. It has to come up with that $2,000 from somewhere. What will that somewhere be? It may be the purchase of fewer new clothes, less dining out, no trips to the movie theater, less expensive and fewer Christmas gifts, etc. Those cut-backs will result in lost jobs—especially when that $2,000 is multiplied by millions of Americans who are hit with the tax. When a restaurant closes and 50 people lose their jobs, the owner should put a sign in the window that reads, “Out of business due to ObamaTax.”


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    B. Steadman