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Questions about Chief Justice's Health-Care Ruling Could Have Lasting Impact

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  • Questions about Chief Justice's Health-Care Ruling Could Have Lasting Impact

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Questions about chief justice's health-care ruling could have lasting impact (+new leak info)', which was started 7/4/2012 by 'STARWISE'

    The thread references the 7/3/2012 Yahoo/Christian Science Monitor article, written by Warren Richey -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #106, by 'butterdezilliion' in the thread:

    "How does the system currently in place allow it to make any difference what the people want? As you’ve said, large numbers have consistently opposed this. What difference has it made? And what is going to change so that all of a sudden it WILL matter what we want?

    What I’m saying is that the system itself has been taken hostage, and until we the people are willing to come eyeball to eyeball with our enemy and fight him with the same intensity as he is fighting us, playing on his court with his refs who change the rules at will... meets the definition of insanity. Either we take seriously the threats that have been made against our SYSTEM ITSELF, or this country is toast. We are at the point of no return. And I don’t see the will of “normal people” to confront our real enemy.

    I say that after visiting with my family members who are about as conservative as the day is long, and yet look with ridicule at anybody who suggests that there is out-of-the-ordinary foul play going on to get these results. I have never felt so alone in my life. When we should be rallying to fight we are instead telling ourselves that it is not a full-out war and ridiculing (or just uncomfortably ignoring) anybody who points out the territory the enemy has already taken.

    I don’t like being a party pooper, but this Independence Day feels more like a funeral than anything else. And it’s because the people who should be fighting are instead in denial. It’s too “conspiratorial” to simply point out what is right in front of our faces.

    Like I said, I feel incredibly alone, which is exactly what the enemy wants. But unless there are others who are willing to say that Soros and his legions have declared war on America - a fact which is blatant, right from his own mouth - then it’s not just that I FEEL alone, but that I and the few others who recognize this really ARE alone, with everybody else already determined that any alarms that are sounded are clearly just crazy people that should be ignored. The “normal conservative people” have disabled all the alarms systems by saying that alarms only come from crazy conspiracy theorists.

    That being the case, I can say with confidence that Soros and his legions WILL rob of us of everything we have, rape, pillage, and burn. Because the media fed us the line - and “normal” people bought into it - that only conspiracy nuts would ever raise an alarm. The people will sleep soundly while being robbed of everything they have - all while the sirens wail to tell them there’s been a security breach, and they ignore it because sirens are too crazy to believe."

    The following is COMMENT #108, by 'butterdezillion', in the thread:

    Anybody who breathes or has a loved one who breathes has put him/herself in a position to be blackmailed by the likes of George Soros. Especially now that he has all the covert technologies of the most powerful nation in the world at his disposal.

    I personally believe there is something else going on. George W Bush had everything including the kitchen sink thrown at him during 2 elections and 2 terms of office. The rectal exam went all the way up to his eyeballs. And the worst they could come up with was drunk driving back during his alcoholic days, which he had already acknowledged.

    YET Bush and his Justice Department, Secretary of State, and everybody stood by and watched Obama take power even though the government of Kenya had told Bush that Obama’s Kenyan birth record had been destroyed. He and Dick Cheney had both weathered the worst that the powers against them had ever been able to throw at them.... and yet they kept their silence while someone they knew was a foreign enemy combatant was placed into our White House.

    I believe Bush told us outright why he did that: if we didn’t pass TARP (or do whatever Soros told us to do) the world as we know it would end. We went for months without passing TARP and the world didn’t end. Why did Bush think the world would end if we didn’t pass TARP? Because Soros had told Bush that it was Soros and his communist-Islamist alliance that had made the Sept 2008 run on the bank, and unless Bush did as he was told (rewarding the alliance with TARP money), the alliance would do it again and collapse the entire world’s economy.

    IOW, I believe that the Cloward-Piven Plan to push America to an economic cliff by forcing sub-prime loans was effective enough that Soros the communist, by joining with the Islamists as he indicated when he said that America needed to lose the war on terror, had enough money under his control that he could push America over the economic edge. The Sept 2008 run on the bank - right when Sarah Palin’s entry into the race had brought McCain into the lead in the polls - was the alliance’s dry run to show that they had the power. They didn’t want that run to be successful yet then, because if martial law was declared it would be BUSH who controlled the military. They had to wait until Obama was in power before making the final economic blow that would end America as we know it.

    And I believe that when they have found somebody in a position of power (such as the eligibility judges) with too much integrity to be threatened into raping this country, they simply pointed out that they had a gun to America’s head and if the person in question didn’t do as they were told and rape America in front of everybody, then Soros and his alliance would simply pull the trigger and kill America instantly.

    These are the people who threatened Roger Ailes (and other media heads) to the point that he (or someone in his company) told his on-air personalities that if they reported on Obama’s eligibility problem their careers would be over, and strongly implied that their lives and families’ lives could be taken out as well.

    These are the people who first asked Hillary if she would go along with Soros’ plan to destroy the US economy and then when she said no scared off her and Bill by first killing within 2 weeks of the DNC Convention the two people who were going to present a petition at the convention (to allow Obama’s eligibility to be challenged) and then threatened to kill Chelsea.

    We are not talking about spineless cutesy people here. We are talking about people who already have bodies piled up and whose threats have already been outed.

    I don’t know for sure what got Roberts to rape this country in front of everybody, but I have a strong feeling that it is related to the same people who strong-armed GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Roger Ailes.

    There is a reason that Bill Clinton is privately telling republicans they have 6 months to save this country. This is a guy with his own pile of dead bodies, and yet he knows full well that if Obama gets 4 more years his controllers will pick this country to the bone and spit out the skeleton."
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-05-2012, 04:16 PM.
    B. Steadman