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The Oathkeepers -- Canada Free Press, Alan Caruba

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  • The Oathkeepers -- Canada Free Press, Alan Caruba

    The Oathkeepers

    Canada Free Press

    Alan Caruba


    "I regard the next four months between now and the election to be the most dangerous that the nation has faced since the months before the outbreak of the Civil War. I am concerned that President Obama, who has already declared “a state of emergency” in a recent Executive Order, will attempt to assert dictatorial powers and require U.S. military and law enforcement authorities to enforce them

    You don’t get to be a general by saying no to the Commander-in-Chief. Witness the way “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was thrown under the bus by the most gay-friendly president in history. Then there’s the idiotic push to power naval ships with biofuels. The Fort Hood murders required a lot of officers to ignore the obvious. Et cetera.

    My normal response to conspiracy theories is to dismiss them until I can find sufficient cause to give them credence. That said—President Obama is unlike any previous president this nation has ever had.

    He is what those of us on the Right call “a red diaper baby,” raised from birth and mentored to embrace communism. Including his mother and grandparents, all of his closest friends and advisors come from the extreme Left.
    Disregard for the Constitution, Executive Orders

    By word and by action, Obama’s disregard for the Constitution, its separation of powers, and Americans suffering greatly from his policies, suggests that he is not beyond making the greatest grab for power using a bogus “national emergency” or manufactured “crisis” to declare martial law.

    He has, moreover, recently issued three Executive Orders that (1) declare that the U.S. is in a state of emergency, (2) empowers the federal government to seize anything and everything it wants to pursue martial law in the event of an attack, foreign or domestic, and (3) to control all the means of communication nationwide..

    The biggest question facing Americans is whether the members of our military and our law enforcement authorities would obey him. My bet is that they would not.

    Millions of active duty and veterans swear an oath when they embark on active duty. The oath for non-commissioned officers differs slightly in that includes accepting orders from the President and the officers serving over them.

    For officers, the oath is “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    The oath is for life! It does not end when you are discharged from active duty. Law enforcement officers take a comparable oath. As Gen. Douglas McArthur said when he spoke to the corps at West Point, the oath for all who take it is about “duty, honor, country.”

    There is an organization called Oath Keepers composed of those who have served or currently serve in our military, in law enforcement, and as fire fighters. Here is their “Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey.”
    - (listed in article)

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman