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Walter Fitzpatrick III, Letter to TN Gov. Haslam for Failing to Take Action - - P&E

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  • Walter Fitzpatrick III, Letter to TN Gov. Haslam for Failing to Take Action - - P&E

    Visitor to Monroe County Jail Blasts TN Gov. Bill Haslam for Failing to Take Action


    The Post & Email
    Open letter to Tennessee Governor, Bill Haslam

    Thanks to Give Us Liberty for the reference to the article


    "To Gov. Haslam and all others concerned:

    To say I am distressed would be an understatement! Today we visited a friend at the Monroe County, TN. Jail. This man, Walter Fitzpatrick, is a retired Lt. Commander in the Navy. Now he is forced to sleep on a damp floor in the day room of the jail – no water – no bathroom and he is a diabetic with an ulcer on his heel. He was denied a shower for 24 days until the nurses ordered he be allowed to have a shower. Now, again 2 weeks gone by and no shower.

    What was his humongous crime that warrants this treatment you ask…..OK you didn’t ask, but I will tell you anyway. He had uncovered the grand jury illegalities and attempted a citizen’s arrest of the grand jury foreman in the courtroom. The same man had been appointed and re-appointed as foreman for 27 consecutive years. Deputies proceeded to arrest Walter instead. Walter fired his attorney because the attorney was threatened and intimidated by a judge. He reported to the clerk of the court that all correspondence be sent to him personally. She either forgot or disregarded this and he did not receive a notice for a court hearing. This absence brought out a team of 3 detectives – no uniforms – and an unmarked car in sight of his door, but up a little hill. He started to head to his landlord’s house. Just by chance he glanced over his shoulder to see 3 men attacking him from the rear. He ran back into his house at which time they kicked in the door and attacked him physically and yes, he fought back. One deputy came close to taking his ear off. He was tasered several times and taken to jail. All of this, because a clerk neglected to inform him of a date for a court appearance. I, personally witnessed the trial. What I witnessed was a miscarriage of justice. The judge allowed a deputy who was a witness to stay in the court room listening to testimony. Highly irregular! The jury found him guilty of resisting arrest, but not on the assault charge."

    View the complete letter at:
    B. Steadman