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GUNWALKER: New E-Mail Blows Hole in Obama's 'Fast and Furious' Story

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  • GUNWALKER: New E-Mail Blows Hole in Obama's 'Fast and Furious' Story

    New E-mail Blows Hole in Obama’s “Fast and Furious” Story

    Expose Obama

    Doug Book,

    "Discovery of a January 2011 e-mail exchange between then Acting ATF Director Ken Melson and the Bureau’s chief council Steve Rubenstein has put the kibosh on Obama administration elites’ latest “we didn’t know about it” defense concerning the regime’s involvement in Operation Fast and Furious.

    On December 22,2010, a contributor identifying himself as “1desertrat” posted the following to the “CLEANUP ATF” website

    "Word is that curious George Gillett the Phoenix ASAC stepped on it again. Allegedly he has approved more than 500 AR-15 type rifles from Tucson and Phoenix cases to be “walked” to Mexico. Appears that ATF may be one of the largest suppliers of assault rifles to the Mexican cartels! One of these rifles is rumored to have been linked to the recent killing of a Border Patrol Officer in Nogales, AZ. Can anyone confirm this information?" [1]

    Well, Director Melson read this “CLEANUP ATF” post and didn’t appreciate the fact that ATF business had been so willfully shared with the general public. Especially,this business. So,he contacted ATF Chief Council Steve Rubenstein for advice. And the e-mail reply he received from Rubenstein is a beauty. Rubenstein wrote:

    The disclosure of this information has a potential deleterious effect on ATF’s undercover operations. In that regard,suspects may alter their behavior if they know that law enforcement is allowing certain firearms to “walk” into Mexico. (my bold text) In addition, public knowledge of this type of operation potentially places informants and undercover agents in jeopardy.

    If “1desertrat” is an ATF employee,then he/she is subject to our Orders and Standards of Conduct

    Rubentsein goes on to quote the ATF Code of Conduct for employees,making it clear to Melson that the individual responsible for the post could be dealt with rather severely if indeed an ATF agent.

    And Melson’s response:Thanks Steve. I’m going to forward this to IA.” That is, Internal Affairs, which had by this time earned the reputation of being little more than a tool for the intimidation of agents who did not adequately adhere to ATF policy, regardless of how corrupt or nefarious. [3]

    The question is…."

    View the Expose Obama reposted article at:

    View the complete original article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-11-2012, 05:13 PM.
    B. Steadman