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Maj. Stefan Cook is Gravely Ill; Please Pray for Him -- Sharon Rondeau -- P&E

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  • Maj. Stefan Cook is Gravely Ill; Please Pray for Him -- Sharon Rondeau -- P&E

    Maj. Stefan Cook is Gravely Ill; Please Pray for Him


    The Post & Email

    Sharon Rondeau


    "Stefan Fredrick Cook is very ill in a Veterans Affairs hospital in Tampa, FL. The Post & Email is praying for his family and for him."


    "On the evening of January 10, 2012, The Post & Email received an email from a close friend of Maj. Stefan Cook, who is reportedly in a Florida hospital suffering from a non-malignant but inoperable tumor located near his stomach.

    The friend then told us:

    Last time I spoke to Stefan was about a week ago and we were working on getting him up to Jacksonville for a new treatment at University of FL. At some point after that call he aspirated and had to be admitted to the hospital and put on a ventilator which he was taken off yesterday. I had been leaving messages for Stefan and his daughter finally reached me this AM with the news. She is not very confident that Stefan is going to survive this.

    We have a prayer thread going at

    Cook is currently hospitalized at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, FL.

    The Post & Email had planned to mail a card this morning but received the following message:

    Just heard from Stefan’s daughter this AM. They are not expecting Stefan to recover from this and it is just a matter of hours or days before he is gone. If that is what God wills and he takes Stefan home I would like to see someone document Stefan’s accomplishments and his bravery and what he tried to do for our country. He truly pledged his life, his personal fortune and his sacred honor for the country he loved.

    Is this something you would be interested in pursuing and posting on The Post and Email?

    We responded:

    Yes, absolutely and unequivocally. I was about to put a card in the mail. I am devastated to hear this news.

    His story has been on our home page since it was published.

    I am so very sorry. How else can I help?

    and received the following response at 3:45 p.m. ET:

    I don’t think there is much to be done right now. I think it would be fully appropriate if you wanted to put an update on The Post and Email asking people to support and pray for LTC Cook.

    If he passes then we will get busy with getting something together to properly memorialize Stefan.

    Thanks again. I know his family really appreciates this.


    The friend also reported that Maj. Cook was promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel.

    Our story about Maj. Cook’s challenge of Obama’s constitutional eligibility was written exactly two years ago yesterday. Cook had been represented by Atty. Orly Taitz in a federal court in Georgia, after which Taitz had been sanctioned $20,000 by Judge Clay Land for allegedly filing a “frivolous” lawsuit and a “political dispute.” Cook had requested a temporary restraining order from deploying to Afghanistan until Obama’s eligibility was proven. After the lawsuit was filed, the U.S. Army rescinded his deployment order.

    The case was ultimately transferred to Florida, where Judge Lazarra refused to hear it. Taitz appealed to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, where it was dismissed on November 24, 2009.

    Cook had been fired from his job but had retained employment elsewhere which he had described as “better.”

    During the interview, Cook told us, “My greatest accomplishment outside the military would be raising a wonderful, bright, articulate daughter.”............................

    Through email, Maj. Cook had offered to assist this writer after threats were made against her life as editor of The Post & Email.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman