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Walter Fitzpatrick III, Is TN Gov. Responding? Has Citizen Involvement Helped? - P&E

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  • Walter Fitzpatrick III, Is TN Gov. Responding? Has Citizen Involvement Helped? - P&E

    Is Tennessee Governor’s Office Responding to the Case of Walter Fitzpatrick?


    The Post & Email

    Debbie Warren


    "Hey Everyone,

    I’m writing today to ask everyone to take a few minutes to come to the aid of Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick and our country. There are much larger reasons to demand his immediate release than his personal health…but that should be enough to garner everyone’s attention and effort.

    Please call Governor Haslam’s office today. Don’t put it off. I spoke with Nathan who seemed not only genuinely concerned; but promised to spend some time with the Governor on this issue. We need a lot of calls and a lot of ‘gentle’ pressure to hit them all at once and to continue unabated. I plan to call every day or so asking why he is still there and in imminent danger. The phone number is: 615-253-6913. We can talk about it and email and post comments OR we can call the Governor every day until he does the right thing. We are not asking his office to check into it…we are demanding the Governor personally releases him NOW. And then conduct the proper investigation and removal of corrupt officials after Walt is safely free of their grasp and control.

    Focus on Walt’s service to this country, the corruption in Monroe County and the fact that we cannot trust them to do the right thing, the fact that everyone and every agency up to and including the Governor’s office have been derelict in their duty and oath thus far and continue to shift the responsibility instead of doing what they have the authority to do, the bogus charges and harassment, the physical danger and declining health he is currently suffering and the fact that we should not be sent from pillar to post dealing with people who either do not have the authority or interest or who have something to hide. This has gone on for months and we no longer; Walt no longer, has the time to wade through the bureaucracies and waste more time. Explain that we have talked to the TCI and don’t intend to waste our time with that any further. Monroe County officials have broken the law and cannot be trusted."

    View Debbie Warren's complete post at:
    B. Steadman