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The suicide strategy -- Tea Party Nation, Judson Phillips

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  • The suicide strategy -- Tea Party Nation, Judson Phillips

    The suicide strategy

    Tea Party Nation

    Judson Phillips

    "This should be the year of the Republican victory. This should be the year that the GOP crushes the Party of Treason.

    Why aren’t they?

    Some people in the Republican Party are using a strategy. Not only is it not a good strategy, it is a suicide strategy.

    What is it?

    Some in the Republican Party are pushing social issues to the front. In Missouri, we have seen Congressman Todd Akin make an idiotic comment and watch a ten-point lead disappear over night and now he trails Claire McCaskill by ten points. Missouri has gone from being a likely Republican pick up to a safe Democrat seat.


    Because Akin is pushing a social issue ahead of everything else.

    The Republican Party has just released the draft of its platform. In the draft is a platform banning Abortion with no exceptions. Not even for incest or rape. The Republican Party has always had an abortion platform in it but this year is different.

    Between Akin’s “magic uterus” and implying a woman who gets pregnant by her rapist must have “wanted it” and the Republicans wanting to ban abortion with no exceptions, the Republicans will turn off many women voters.

    The Republicans have a huge opportunity to save the nation but the issues that are going to unite us are the fiscal issues. Thanks to the Obama, Pelosi, Reid axis of fiscal evil, we are spending ourselves into bankruptcy.

    The left is making war on the middle class. They are destroying jobs, wealth, and the American dream.

    Social issues are important but they are divisive. This year fiscal issues dominate. For many social conservatives, this year, social issues are not even on the radar. We have too many other problems.

    How much of a victory is it if we get Roe v. Wade overturned and the nation is lost because the far left destroys it.

    That is the problem.

    We need a great coalition of people to defeat Obama and the Party of Treason, then giving the Republicans the mandate to begin rolling back everything they have done.

    There are a couple of things we need to remember. First, most of the fiscally conservative candidates we elect are also socially conservative. Second, there are a lot of voters out there who will balk at the social issues.

    We cannot allow the social issues to divide us right now.

    I am a social conservative but abortion, gay rights and all of those other things are not even on my agenda for this year. We are facing the total collapse of our economy if Obama’s agenda is not stopped. We are facing Taxageddon on January 1 if Obama and the Party of Treason are not stopped. We will see the huge impact of Obamacare kicking in and destroying much of the American economy in 2014. We can debate about gay marriage being a really bad idea but I am more worried about what Obama is doing to the economy right now.

    We need to focus on winning and beating Obama. Unfortunately, as tempting as social issues are, they are also very divisive. We cannot allow division to break us apart and give Obama a second term. We cannot allow social issues to let the Democrats slip in and save their majority in the Senate, thus being in a position to block every effort Mitt Romney and the Republicans can try in order to save the economy.

    Let’s win on the issues that will give us the largest majority. We can worry about the social issues after we have defeated Obama."

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman