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    The Ulsterman Report



    I have asked a longtime D.C. political operative to share their insights on the Republican convention taking place this week. Here now is the first of what is hopefully an ongoing conversation regarding their views on the convention:

    "Not a bad start to the convention. Bit of a tough spot for the Republicans with the hurricane taking place as well. What is the deal with hurricanes and GOP conventions now? Second time in a row. How about an earthquake or something for Obama? Just kidding. Some folks might not consider that funny.

    Told the energy on the floor was a bit low to start tonight but built up well toward the end. That’s pretty common. Overall, people are saying thing went well for the Romney campaign and the Republicans. The highlight for me had to be Ann Romney. What a woman! I knew she was a solid positive but man oh man she was incredible. Mitt Romney is one lucky son of a b-tch to have her at his side. She reached into the heart of America and did her husband a hell of a lot of good warming his image up. Guy can’t be all bad to have the devotion of a woman like that, right? She makes one hell of a contrast with Michelle Obama.

    Christie was on point and delivered as expected, which for him isn’t so easy because expectations are so high. I would love to work a campaign with a candidate like that. He felt like the nominee at times, right? That might annoy some of the Romney operatives but they need to shut up and be grateful they have a guy like Christie willing to fire up the base. Besides, the first night is always more about contrasting the parties or at least as much about that as it is introducing the nominee. More time to define Romney tomorrow and Thursday.

    Overall I give the opener a solid B. Without Ann Romney though and it would have fallen off quite a bit. She was the big star tonight. Her words are what will be replayed for the next 24 hours. She will be who the media talks about tomorrow and it will be tough for the pro-Obama media to spin her negative. She was that good tonight. Might have been the very best speech by a candidate’s spouse I’ve ever watched. Actually scratch that. It WAS the very best speech by a candidate’s spouse I’ve ever watched. Took that “War on Women” bullsh-t and shoved right back up Obama and Jarrett’s ass. (I think they share the same one.)

    You asked me if we had anything to do with Biden cancelling the first day Florida trip. Can’t say for certain. They were likely nervous about appearing overly political with the hurricane. What I do know is we let it be known to them we knew what they were up to. I do know there were heated conversations between Chicago and the White House/Axelrod/Jarrett/Plouffe about what to do about that. Getting inside their heads is a big part of what we are doing with this and the last month or so has been very productive for us on that.

    More good news on the Romney campaign. They are preparing to unleash a multi-state/multi-tens of millions of dollars advertising blitz against Obama following the GOP convention. They got money to burn now and that has the Obama people very concerned. Also heard there was a Florida GOP operative sharing with the media how the internals in that state show Romney winning by at least 3%. People are getting more open about sharing some of the stuff we’ve already laid out there. So far that end of things is going as planned.

    Don’t want to forget another star tonight. Artur Davis. Didn’t know much about his public skills. Guy has some game. African American. Former Democrat. Former Obama supporter. If I was running the convention I would have given the guy a higher profile speaking slot. His speech actually made the most direct hits to Obama. Right to the f-cking face! Was nice to hear. I’m not running the convention though so there you go."


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Link to the transcript and video of Ann Romney's remarks at the RNC:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      >>> Every speaker at the GOP convention had all the right things to say , they all did credit to Mitt Romney , Paul Ryan and the Republican Party in general .
      There was a very important article published on Thursday , August 30 , 2012 which thoroughly exposes the lamestream media ." Breitbart News Roundup" -----------POLL : " Nightly News Skewing Voters Views of GOP Convention ". Since the start of the GOP convention on Tuesday , the legacy media have used every trick in their playbook to distort coverage of the Republican gathering .
      The poll of likely voters in 10 swing states was conducted Tuesday and Wednesday . Among voters watching the Republican Convention , 67 % of voters had a favorable impression . However , among voters watching only the nightly news coverage of the RNC , 72 % had a less favorable impression .
      Let us hope the lamestream media goes bankrupt and out of business forever for lousy reporting and " blatant lies ".

