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Top 12 Clues Obama is Losing — from Day Three of Democrats’ Charlotte Convention

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  • Top 12 Clues Obama is Losing — from Day Three of Democrats’ Charlotte Convention

    Top 12 Clues Barack Obama is Losing — from Day Three of Democrats’ Charlotte Convention


    Kevin DuJan


    "After watching the Democrat Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina for the entirety of its three days, I woke up this morning feeling exhausted and miserable. The best way to describe what I saw on the screen for the roughly 18 hours of Convention coverage is just to call it toxic. Because that’s what it was, and more than a little corrosive to the soul. I swear I don’t remember Democrats being this bad back when I was in the party up to the 2008 election: these are not the Democrats I used to know, because the fringe elements I always tried to ignore are now running the show.

    I think the best representation of this is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. When the Clintons were the heads of the Democrat Party, someone as inept and abrasive as DWS would never have been allowed near a microphone, let alone anchor Convention coverage. All politicians lie at some point — I don’t like it any more than you do, but it’s true — and the best of the bunch lie as rarely as possible. With DWS the opposite is true since it’s only under the bluest of moons that this woman tells the truth. A good word for her is “vile”. Parading across the stage wearing a silver-and-black “Eye of Obama” emblem on her chest instead of either an American flag pin or a Democrat donkey, Schultz fashioned herself as a high priestess of the fading personality cult of Obama.

    The whole Convention reminded me a lot of Baghdad in early 2003, when Saddam’s regime continued erecting monuments to him and holding aloft banners declaring their undying love…but anyone in the crowds smart enough to ignore the state-media’s propaganda could see that the self-styled demigod who headed the Baath party was not long for the corridors of power. The same is true for Obama, and Democrats know it. MSNBC, CNN, the broadcast networks, and even FOX to an extent presents a fictional dreamworld where they claim this race “is close” or that “Obama is ahead”.

    This did not in any way look like the Convention of a Democrat incumbent who is going to win; here are 12 Clues from Day Three of the Convention that Obama is Toast:

    12. The magical black man has failed and no amount of angry screaming and yelling from his surrogates can recapture the euphoria of “Hope and Change”.

    In 2008, there was just no effective counter to “Hope and Change” as both a campaign slogan and packaging for the Obama-brand. Believe me, I tried in the Democrat primaries to think of one and win the nomination for Hillary…and then looking for a way to shake people out of their Hopium euphorias to win the general election for McCain/Palin (mostly for Palin). People four years ago wanted to scamper down primrose paths of delusional bliss with a magical black man with a funny name whose voice was a welcome piper’s call to a place where all their dreams would come true.

    Those of us who never saw Barack Obama as anything but a charismatic and talented huckster still can’t understand what people were smoking back in 2008 that made them believe Obama was a demigod who’d solve all their problems just because he said “hope” so much that he was awarded a Nobel Prize for doing that (seriously — I’m not kidding — that was the justification the Nobel Committee gave at the time, because they said that accomplishment-less Obama had the potential to do great things…someday…maybe…probably…eventually).

    The corrupt media, to this day, will not go anywhere near discussing the phenomenon of the “magical black man” in this country and how engrained it is in most Americans’ fantasies. Will Smith’s entire career has been made playing this kind of character, in roles that Morgan Freeman or Forrest Whittaker were too young to play. You know these kinds of movies: a mysterious black man appears on the scene, talks funny, has a weird name, and rescues white people from whatever predicament they are in largely just by being black and “making history” by changing the way everyone’s done everything up to that point. There’s a strange kind of racism driving behind the scenes of these movies, because the writers and directors who put these projects together must see black people as inferior because the same sort of movie would work with very little changes made if a talking dog or a magical, anthropomorphized chair replaced the black person: a magical talking dog teaches Matt Damon to golf and saves the town or whatever; a piece of furniture comes to life and teaches everyone how to stop the alien invasion; a Senator’s daughter is kidnapped and only a farm animal of some kind can piece the clues together to prevent Ashley Judd from being wrongly accused of murder.

    These movies are all so racist, but Hollywood loves them because it allows the industry to applaud Smith, Freeman, Wittaker and other black actors like them as stars. I think the actors themselves should be ashamed for playing these parts and perpetuating the “magical black man come to save the white people” cliche.

    Watching Day Three of the Democrats’ Convention, I saw that almost all of the euphoria of 2008 is gone and the people in that Convention hall were sitting there watching the Obama re-nomination like it was a rerun of Bagger Vance on TV. They might have paid good money to see that in the theaters when it first came out — and sat through almost all of it even if it was boring and poorly made — and congratulated themselves on “supporting that Will Smith movie” and helping to polish his star…but when the thing comes around again on TV at home and no one knows what they are doing, they flip the channel because they realize how stupid it all is.

    In place of all the hopeychange these people rolled around in like pigs in the mud back in 2008 was just endless, angry screaming and yelling televised for three consecutive nights. There was no magic. Obama was just a regular, average black man who failed at a job he was given largely because of his skin color. People hired him because they believed he’d be their savior like in the movies…but reality has set in and no arguments were even given to keep Obama in his job now. I think the screaming and yelling was just an attempt to intimidate people into staying the course, but not even Hollywood can get butts into theater seats by screaming at people on the TV to see Will Smith in something dreadful these days.

    11. Democrats’ lies about the auto industry “thriving”, the economy “on the rebound”, and Romney-Ryan (which Democrats say like the two of them are married and they have one hyphenated last name now) eviscerating Medicare are blatant, amateur, and frankly very sad. This is important because Democrats don’t feel the need to lie about the bad things “the other side” will do unless they know that people won’t believe any of the lies they’ll tell about the good things that Democrats will do in office.

    This might be subtle to some people, but it’s a classic trick of the Left that relies a lot on basic psychology of voters: people like to vote for the candidate they think is positive and uplifting instead of voting against a villain. There are many Americans who only think about politics for a two week period every four years. These are the “geniuses” who, time and again, walk into an interviewer’s sites and say things like “I’m voting for the lesser of two evils” or “the two parties aren’t much different” or whatever. These people are really and truly stupid, but cliches are cliche for a reason because people enjoy saying those things so much and repeating them year after year.

    I think voters enjoy feeling good about voting for someone they like and in 2008 they very much liked Barack Obama. We can argue all day about how stupid they were back then, but telling people they are stupid isn’t a good way to open them up to listening (but they were really and truly stupid to buy what Obama was selling). This time around, Democrats know they can’t present Obama as a magical black miracle worker because few will believe that again…and so they focus almost exclusively on either lying about how bad things really are in the country (and hoping people don’t believe their own eyes instead) or telling voters that this conjoined twin they’re hearing about named Romney-Ryan is just evil incarnate who is the most villainous of all villains ever.

    It’s not going to work. Democrats are desperate. It’s impossible to get people who voted for Obama in 2008 because they were desperate to believe he was a magical black miracle worker to head to the polls not to vote for him again but to vote AGAINST Romney-Ryan. You can’t diametrically alter your brand to such an extent that a positive-focused hopeychange effort just four years later turns into a toxic, screaming and yelling, three-day chronicle of how evil “the other side” is. Voters just don’t respond to this."


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-09-2012, 05:22 PM.
    B. Steadman