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(1) White House Insider: Obama is an Atheist -- The Ulsterman Report

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  • (1) White House Insider: Obama is an Atheist -- The Ulsterman Report

    (1) White House Insider: Obama is an Atheist

    The Ulsterman Report



    "In a long and winding - and at times perhaps near incoherent discussion, a longtime D.C. political operative arrived bearing gifts and a willingness to talk about “almost anything and everything” pertaining to the Obama White House – both past and present and the always vigilant look into its very near future....................


    Insider: Let’s drink – and let’s talk. In that order…

    UM: Is this a celebration? You have good news?

    Insider: A celebration of … I’m above ground son. Nothing more needed than that. ......................

    Insider: (Ron Paul) - A threat? Not yet…but he could be. That’s what – I don’t like guessing. I want to know the outcome, right? Or know it as much as possible. The Paul campaign, and I got to give them credit, they are running a hell of a campaign with a less than ideal candidate…it could muck up the outcome. If he runs 3rd party…I just don’t know the outcome of that. But it got a lot of us talking…got a lot of us scratching our heads. Or our ass…scratching something anyways…

    UM: What do you mean by “muck up the outcome”?

    Insider: Get Barack Obama a second term, that’s what I mean. Get the bastard re-elected.

    UM: If that is a concern – and I agree it certainly could be…why would -name deleted- be so willing to protect Ron Paul?

    Insider: If I knew that I would tell you. I don’t know…I don’t – that’s what makes me nervous. What are they up to with that? Somebody that high up in political food chain telling you…sayin’ to lay off the Ron Paul – Soros stuff…what for? Why do they care? The Federal Reserve? The IMF? That One-World-Order bullsh-t? Nah…don’t add up. They are up to something and I don’t know what it is. So…f-ck it…I just keep dealing with what I know. With what’s right in front of me. That’s what I do. Figure out what was, what is, and what will be.

    UM: Could they want Ron Paul to make a 3rd party run? Or to have people write his name in if he is not the nominee? Have you done any polling to determine if Ron Paul would actually pull more from the Democratic Party side than the Republican side?

    (Lengthy Pause)

    Insider: Son, you might have just opened up my own eyes on this. Son-of-a-b-tch….they been playing a whole different game on this. The anti-war…that whole angle. Sh-t…right in front of me and I didn’t see it. Right fu–ing there and I didn’t see it!

    UM: So that’s it then? You think—

    Insider: (interrupts) That could be it. It sure as hell could. Makes more sense… If I find some polling has been done…can trace who ordered it up…(laughs) That sneaky old bastard…this would be so like them. You got no idea…they are gonna either laugh or be seriously pissed when they read this. Either way – you print it. Don’t lose your nuts kid. You print this. Just like we said it. You gonna do that?.............................

    UM: I need you to get back to the story. President Clinton and—

    Insider: Right- right…sure enough…

    It’s just before the inauguration…some time after the bell ringing thing. There’s about 100 or so of us gathered in this room…or hall…something like that. Big players in the campaign. Got the next President of the United States there. He’s laughing, making small talk, congratulations all around – the kind of thing he’s so damn good at. Making everybody feel important. We are all are part of history, right? No media here – just the players. A few members of Congress…donors…staff…transition people already giving updates as to the status of the move. Personal aides. These are soon to be very big players on the D.C. scene. We got the White House motherf-ckers. Damn if we didn’t pull it off.

    The President-Elect, he comes up to me. Calls me by my first name. Big guy. You don’t realize how big he is until you’re standing next to him in person. He’s smaller these days. A bit shrunken in. Back then…a big strapping fella from Arkansas. Cornbread-fed as my momma used to say. Tells me thank you a number of times. The easy smile, keeps the handshake going…totally comfortable. In his element. This is what he was born to be, right? That laugh that the country would come to know so well. Genuine laugh. The head goes back, puts his hand on his belly…he loves the moment. Never knew a politician that could so easily just live in the moment regardless of all the other sh-t that might be going on around them. Which probably is a big reason why he got himself into so much trouble by the way. That whole “in the moment” thing with him. Blessing and a curse.

    Hillary is there too of course…but she’s off to the side. Not so comfortable as her husband. Pensive – that the right word? She smiles, but there’s no smile coming from her eyes. The toll of the campaign, the scandal…you can see it already weighing her down a bit. Poor woman has no idea what’s to come. But she ain’t complaining just yet…she helped push her husband to where he now is. And she is tough. We love Bill. We fear Hillary. That hasn’t changed over the years. We will stop and say hello to Bill because we want to. We do the same to Hillary because we don’t want her pissed that we didn’t."

    Note: PART ONE had to be split into 2 parts (1) & (2) due to the length of this excerpt. Section (2) of PART ONE is continued in the 'Reply' immediately following this section.


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    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-17-2012, 03:51 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    (2) White House Insider: Obama is an Atheist

    The Ulsterman Report


    Continued from Section (1) above


    "Gore is there too. Didn’t like him then. Like him less now. He ain’t Tennessee – never been. Spoiled D.C. political brat is what he is. And a fu–ing loon to boot.

    So that’s the scene – Bill Clinton is soon to be inaugurated the next President of the United States. The guy is larger than life. He is ruling that room. Senators with the legislative power of God are kissing his ass now. The guy is King of the World. And then this little fella walks in. I don’t see him walk in…there’s just a sense. A feeling that the rest of the room catches too. Here is Bill Clinton, his head poking above the crowd of people hoping to get what I got – a quick thank you, a handshake, a moment with history. By now I’m off to the side a bit, but still about ten – maybe fifteen feet from the President-Elect. And like I say…there’s this little fella parting the crowd…parting the sea – and heading right toward Clinton. He don’t stop to acknowledge anyone…but everyone steps to the side. Out of their way. Even the Secret Service detail who has been around for months now…they step aside. Now I can’t stress that enough here…hell, I know I’m not saying it in a way that really communicates how that made me really take notice of who this person was. You see…some of us had been on the campaign for…well…since the beginning. And we still had to deal with the Secret Service when approaching Clinton. Not a pat-down or anything…it’s not like that. But they always put themselves there…they didn’t just step aside. NEVER.

    This time…for this person…they did. I have since seen that kind of thing happen just a handful of times…and each time it was in the presence of one of these kinds of people. There are donors. There are bundlers. And then there are these figures…not millions…not hundreds of millions…billions upon billions of dollars of influence. That’s no conspiracy sh-t there – that’s just how it is.

    So this little man – I can see him now. I sensed it before, but I can see him now making his way…and then Clinton spots him too. And in mid-sentence, I sh-t you not…mid-sentence he leaves a conversation and just about bolts his way to meet this gentleman who just came into the room. A man who is soon to be the Leader of the Free World looks like he is about ready to sh-t himself if he don’t hurry the hell up to meet this guy. So I’m thinking who the hell is that? Never seen him before…we would come to know each other later, and much better after that…but up to that point I had never seen him. Bill Clinton sure as hell knew who they were though. And Hillary too. She actually got to him first – before Bill. And she looked visibly nervous. She wanted to make an impression, and for those with any experience around her – that is unusual. Tough lady.

    So Hillary is shaking his hand now – the guy looks harmless. Bill gets there and waits for Hillary to finish – he looks almost as apprehensive as she does. The President-Elect shakes his hand and they are speaking. I can’t hear what is being said, but I note that -name deleted- is watching this very intently. He wants this…whatever this little meeting was…he wants it to go smoothly. Bill leans down to allow the smaller man to say something directly into his ear. Whatever is said is brief, but it’s got Clinton nodding his head in the affirmative and I can hear him say quite clearly, ”Absolutely – count on it.” Then the man is gone as quick as he came and I wouldn’t see him again until well into the second term. By then I know who they are. I know the kind of influence they have. And I know they are among a very select and powerful group of people who take a keen interest in the the political outcomes of this country.

    You’re flirting with that kind of person when you run off and “take a walk” at their bidding. I’m telling you to proceed with some caution on that. I don’t know exactly what their interest in you is…but you might wanna be careful. Not sayin’ you’re not…just…sayin’…

    UM: And you think my ideas on why they might want to defend Ron Paul is part of their current interest in the political outcome of 2012?

    Insider: I think you sure as hell made me look at it in a way I hadn’t thought of before. I’ll qualify that a bit though…don’t spend too much time trying to figure these people out. I’ve tried. Those waters are too muddy. How deep or how shallow…you just don’t know. So I avoid trying to step into them at all whenever possible. I take the information they give…grateful for that…but as to tryin’ to figure them out? Not gonna happen – so don’t bother....................

    UM: How about we take a break…and then you tell that story. Let’s get it out there. It’s the right thing to do. The story has value, it reveals once again what the country did when it elected Barack Obama…what the kind of person he is. Character still matters right? And if you don’t want to share the other part…what happened to -name deleted- after they told you…that’s fine. I think you should – but I won’t push you on that. Fair enough?

    Insider: He’s an atheist you know.

    UM: What?

    Insider: Barack Obama. Atheist. So is Jarrett. Not that it matters…I don’t really care. No…I do care. I don’t like the lying about it. The bullsh-t way they go on using people. Pretending. That church in Chicago – it…for Obama it was just about connections. Leverage. Politics. Now I see them…getting the media to show them going into a church, hearing Obama talk about his religion…it’s all…it’s nothing to them. Nothing! God is a joke to those people. A punchline.

    UM: Is that part of the story? The president’s atheism?

    Insider: No. Maybe…speaks to their view of life though, right? How the life of others ain’t important? No accounting for their sins in their world. Hell don’t exist! Murder…got nothing on them. It’s all just an outdated and ridiculous concept, right? Use the Black vote…use it up. Go to their churches and then roll their eyes and mock them behind their backs. He isn’t a Muslim…that…he never was. The president sympathizes with anyone and anything that they feel…the people around him…Jarrett, the First Lady…anyone they feel has been mistreated by this country. That’s his God – anti-Americanism. Mark my words…gonna come out. Some day we will find out the monster we elected in 2008. The monsters that…the monsters who now inhabit the People’s House.

    UM: Good – good…let’s go there. But share the story first. -Name deleted-. Share what he told you. What he saw in Denver. At the convention. If you wish to share anything beyond that – it’s up to you.

    Take a break, and then share that story…"


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    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-17-2012, 03:57 PM.
    B. Steadman

