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Swing-state stunner: 'Dreams' mailed to 2.7 million -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

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  • Swing-state stunner: 'Dreams' mailed to 2.7 million -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

    Swing-state stunner: 'Dreams' mailed to 2.7 million

    Election battlegrounds will soon see 'true story' of Obama's radical origins


    Jerome R.Corsi


    "Filmmaker Joel Gilbert has mailed 2.7 million copies of his full-length documentary DVD, “Dreams from My Real Father,” to households in key swing states, with 1.5 million going to Florida, 700,000 to Colorado and 500,000 to Iowa.

    This follows an earlier mailing last month, in which Gilbert sent 1.38 million DVDs of “Dreams from My Real Father” to households in swing state Ohio and an additional 100,000 to New Hampshire and 80,000 to Nevada.

    Gilbert told WND the direct mail program is aimed at bypassing the mainstream media blackout on his film.

    “It’s shocking that in the land of the First Amendment, in the ‘information age’ no less, a state of censorship exists on so many levels in the American media today,” Gilbert said.

    By mailing millions of DVDs to households in swing states, Gilbert aims to get his message heard despite the media blackout: “As long as the major media refuse to cover my film, we are going to continue this publicity campaign by shipping DVDs state-by-state, million-by-million, until the media covers the findings in ‘Dreams from My Real Father.’”

    Gilbert argues in the documentary that Frank Marshall Davis, the radical poet and journalist who was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, was the real, biological and ideological father of Barack Obama, not Barack Obama, the Kenyan, who came from Africa in 1959 to attend the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.

    “Barack Obama built his political career on personal appeal – the son of a Kenyan goat herder who stood above politics,” he explained.

    “However, ‘Dreams from My Real Father’ demonstrates that Obama has a deeply disturbing family background, which he intentionally obscured, to hide a Marxist political foundation. Dreams from My Real father is the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for ‘fundamentally transforming America.’”

    The logic behind the direct mail campaign

    Gilbert stressed to WND that his DVD has been at the top of the charts since first released.

    “My ‘Dreams from My Real Father’ DVD has been the No. 1 documentary on Amazon for weeks,” Gilbert told WND. “However, the mainstream media is still refusing to cover the film, so it remains hard to break through nationally.”

    Gilbert told WND the mainstream media has shut out coverage of his film to prevent the American people from seeing the research he assembled over two years aimed at showing the official Obama nativity story is a fabrication.

    “Another reason the mainstream media is reluctant to cover my findings is because it would expose the media as not having done their jobs investigating Obama’s background,” he explained.

    “Barack Obama must now come clean,” Gilbert insisted. “Instead of misrepresenting himself as he did in 2008, Obama should say, ‘My father was a Communist Party propagandist and suspected Soviet agent who indoctrinated me into Marxist ideology in my formative years. Please vote for me so I can destroy the American middle class and create a one-party political system.’”

    Gilbert stresses the extensive research backing the claims made in his film.

    “I have been to Hawaii twice researching Obama’s inspiring family story of a Kenyan goat herder father. That is twice as many times as all of the mainstream media combined! Who could have imagined that news organizations with hundreds of reporters, and multi-million dollar budgets, wouldn’t investigate a presidential candidate’s background in 2008 and would ignore doing so again in 2012?”

    His research extended to examine Chicago and the roots of the Frank Marshall Davis ideology.

    “Davis joined the Communist party in Chicago, only 15 years after the Bolshevik Revolution,” Gilbert said. “You can hear the classic Marxism in Obama’s campaign, the ‘top 1 percent oppressing the 99 percent,’ and ‘you didn’t build your business, it was done on the backs of the proletariat,’ and so on. Marxism is a failed ideology that has no basis in fact in the American reality where the middle class has prospered and the issue of poverty is taken seriously.”

    Gilbert told WND he believes the publicity resulting from the mailing of 2.7 million DVDs to Florida, Colorado and Iowa, following his September mailing of 1.38 million to Ohio, New Hampshire and Nevada will help “Dreams from My Real Father” remain relevant for years, whether or not Obama is reelected.

    “The president of the United States promoted a false family background to hide a Marxist political foundation he received from his real father, a Communist Party USA propagandist,” he said. “I think this should be a major news story of the young century, an example of investigative journalism by a grassroots film production company versus a corrupt and lazy mainstream media. The mainstream media would not do their jobs, so I did it for them.”


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    B. Steadman