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Clinton: I'm responsible for diplomats' security -- CNN

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  • Clinton: I'm responsible for diplomats' security -- CNN

    Clinton: I'm responsible for diplomats' security


    Elise Labott
    10/15/2012, Updated: 10/16/2012


    Lima, Peru (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday tried to douse a political firestorm over the deadly assault on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, saying she's responsible for the security of American diplomatic outposts.

    "I take responsibility," Clinton told CNN in an interview while on a visit to Peru. "I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts. The president and the vice president wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. They're the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs and make a considered decision."

    But she said an investigation now under way will ultimately determine what happened at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed on September 11.

    "I take this very personally," Clinton said. "So we're going to get to the bottom of it, and then we're going to do everything we can to work to prevent it from happening again, and then we're going to work to bring whoever did this to us to justice."

    The attack took place in the eastern Libyan city that was the cradle of that country's 2011 revolution. Obama administration officials initially blamed a mob inflamed by a U.S.-produced movie that mocked Islam and its Prophet Mohammed, but later said the storming of the consulate appears to have been a terrorist attack.

    With criticism growing, Vice President Joe Biden said during last week's vice presidential debate that the White House did not know of requests to enhance security at Benghazi, contradicting testimony by State Department employees that requests had been made and rejected. After the debate, the White House said the vice president did not know of the requests because they were handled, as is the practice, by the State Department.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-16-2012, 06:48 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Clinton: 'I take responsibility' for security ahead of Benghazi attack', which was started 10/15/2012 by 'maggief'

    The thread references the 10/15/2012 CNN article written by Elise Labott -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #81, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread

    Bettina Viviano says that when killing Bill’s good friend Bill Gwatney and Rep Stephanie Tubbs in turn (right after they each agreed to present a petition challenging Obama’s eligibility at the 2008 Dem Convention0 didn’t work to stop the Clintons, the Obama handlers threatened to kill Chelsea, and that worked.

    We know the on-air reporters and talk show hosts on at least 3 cable news networks and at least 2 radio syndicates were told that if they or their guests mentioned Obama’s eligibility problems their career would be over and the lives of they and their loved ones were in doubt.

    Those who say that so many people would not be able to remain quiet about something this big have not absorbed the things that some of us here have been on the front lines observing for the past 4 years. The HI state registrar confirmed to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the online image is a forgery (which was also confirmed to KS SOS Kris Kobach) - and we can’t find anybody who will report anything except the exact opposite.

    I put nothing past Obama’s handlers. They are liars. They are killers. They are evil. George Soros has openly said that he doesn’t want the US to win the “war on terror” because then the US and capitalism will be strong, and he believes that he has to rid the world of those 2 great evils (America and capitalism) since he is GOD. And we thought Ahmadinejad was crazy - and that deterrence is futile when you’re dealing with somebody that crazy. Ahmadinejad’s got nothing on Soros - they are both evil men who believe they are either Allah’s servant or GOD HIMSELF.

    And our system is totally compromised. I could talk far longer than anybody here has the stamina to listen, about just how badly our system is compromised. The people in positions of responsibility and power are lawless and they answer only to lawless thugs.

    Breitbart had courage. Breitbart called Joe Arpaio to find out what evidence Joe had concerning Obama’s posted birth certificate and told Joe that the evidence was good. Less than 5 hours later Breitbart was dead, and the autopsy performed never even CHECKED for signs of covert assassination. The same day - the day of Arpaio’s first press conference - Rush Limbaugh received what he understood as a death threat, with reference to 2 famous assassinations.

    We’re talking Al Capone here, except that the Soros-Obama machine has the full power of government, military, the intelligence agencies and operatives, and the media in its hands. And it has united the world forces of communism and Islamism in a battle against America and capitalism

    The following is COMMENT #181, by 'SatinDoll', in the thread:

    The story I’m reading is that Ambassador Stevens was supposed to be taken hostage, and BHO2 was to be a hero in ordering him freed, winning accolades for the rescue.

    That is why no one came to those four American’s rescue. It was a set-up.

    It is also why the White House was dazed and confused by the actual events. It wasn’t intended to be a bloody sacrifice, just a taking of prisoners.

    So the White House is pointing fingers every-which-way. They’re responsible for the killings, for conspiring with a branch of Al Qaida, and it has literally expoloded in their faces.

    BHO2 isn’t smart enough to have thought of this one. More likely, it is something dreamed up by Valerie Jarrett.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-16-2012, 07:44 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      WHAT SHE’S REALLY UP TO: something you miss if you buy the stupid “falling on the sword” meme being pushed about Hillary Clinton today.


      Kevin DuJan


      "Hillary Clinton is not a woman who falls on a sword for anyone...but she is someone who knows how to take center stage in the middle of a storm and loudly define herself as the only adult in the room...while all the men around her are emasculated and diminished by her presence."

      What I think she’s up to:

      Consider the timing of the “I accept responsibility for the security failings” line that Hillary’s putting out there. She did this last night, after Close of Business, THE DAY BEFORE THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE.

      Hillary Clinton comes out and does something presidential…she in fact uses the classic presidential phrasing of “the buck stops here”…making herself look like the ultimate power in this administration, not Barack Obama.

      Hillary Clinton has totally emasculated the current sitting president and some of you are missing all the fun because you are too busy shouting “Hillary fell on her sword!”. Dummies.

      Today, while Democrats want to be focused on bragging about how well Barack Obama will do in this town hall debate instead the conversation is dominated by Hillary Clinton, as if she was the current president instead of Obama.

      Do you think this is a coincidence?

      Hillary knew full well what she said yesterday would prompt excitement and grab headlines…which sucked all the energy out of Obama going into this debate. Now, instead of preparing to go on tee-vee and try to remedy the damage he did to himself in the first presidential debate in Denver Obama is plagued by more worry about what Hillary’s up to now and how this is going to hurt him in the end. You saw how the night before that Denver debate when Sean Hannity played that old tape of Obama praising Jeremiah Wright how rattled it made Obama the next day. Well, Hillary enjoyed that so much she went ahead and rattled Obama again last night so he’d be off his game again this evening.

      She did this for fun and sport…and also to remind many of her old supporters from the 2008 campaign that Hillary should have been president, and not Obama. That’s the kind of thing that subtly encourages former members of Team Hillary to sit home on election day if they’re not going to vote for Mitt Romney the way I am. Don’t think for a minute that’s not the signal she’s sending to her supporters…by showing them that she’s the only adult in this administration and that she alone is responsible and brave enough to come out and say “the buck stops here”.

      The net result of all this is not any “sword falling”, as Ben Shapiro wrote and many of you have emailed or attempted to blast in comments here, but rather a woman who makes herself look mature and responsible while everyone around her plays a blame game and comes across as political amateurs.

      This is Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton making the most of the cards dealt to her in this mess and coming out of it looking more presidential than the actual president.

      Now that she’s done this, Obama’s diminished and is truly in a bind. Hillary’s just declared that Obama and Biden are both largely out of the loop and not involved in much that happens in the world. How can Obama then spend the next 21 days on the campaign trail claiming otherwise? It’s a great opening for Romney to repeatedly ask “Mr. President, who’s really running things in your White House?”. What does Obama say to that?

      I know that some of you out there still don’t understand why Bill Clinton is out campaigning for Obama when the Clintons clearly still hate the current president. Yet again, this is about the black vote…and about Clinton doing everything he needs to do to prevent anyone from blaming Team Hillary when Obama loses. This needs to be Obama’s loss, with no scapegoats. Obama needs to lose this without any ability to claim that if only Bill had campaigned more things would have been different. So, Bill is out there showing blacks what a good team player he is so that no one can call him racist…and Hillary is standing up and taking responsibility for Benghazi so no one can blame her for not doing it.

      To Democrats, this looks like Hillary is being selfless and noble…”taking one for the team”.

      To Independents, it’s Hillary showing more leadership and presidential qualities than either Obama or Biden possess.

      Republicans, it seems, just get to race around today foolishly shouting “She fell on her sword! She’s finished” like dummies because after all these years the woman who’s lived rent-free in their nightmares is still a complete sphinx to them.

      I honestly will forever cherish the many personal encounters I had with Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential campaign because she is a figure in history that is truly unparalleled…a brilliant woman whose detractors attribute all sorts of magical powers to…but whose true abilities and cunning remain a mystery to all of them. The real Hillary is a little different from the one you see on tee-vee and is definitely not someone who would “fall on a sword” for Barack Obama. People who have studied this woman or know her on any level would agree that there’s no advantage to her in sacrificing herself for someone she detests. Why on Earth would she?

      But Hillary Clinton is smart enough to seize a moment in her own way and come out of a mess better than anyone around her. My favorite photo of her ever is the one at the top of this article…Hillary in the driving rain in Pennsylvania thundering away despite the Obama Ministry of Truth telling her to shut up and go away and surrender the nomination to him. Hillary fell on no sword then and surrendered nothing…and she’s not doing it now either.

      This Benghazi situation is a lot like the Clinton impeachment, actually, if you think about it. There’s a disaster for Democrats and Hillary’s in the middle of it and the woman expertly maneuvers herself into a position to best capitalize on the entire thing in the future. You’ll remember that how she handled herself during the impeachment and the revelations of Bill’s affair made her a Senator in 2000.

      How she’s handling herself now — taking responsibility, proving herself to be the only adult in this administration, outshining Obama — is what she thinks will make her the 2016 Democrat presidential nominee.

      And she’s right, too. She will be the nominee and nothing will stop her. The only thing that could have ever stopped her was a credible black candidate and that already happened to her. It won’t happen again.

      It’s doubtful she’ll win the presidency in four years provided Romney/Ryan do everything I think they will do to bring the economy back to life, but those racing around today like little chickens crowing that Hillary “fell on her sword” and ended her political career are just foolish.

      And clearly people who know absolutely nothing about Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton or how she operates.

      There’s a reason I will forever respect and admire this woman even if I won’t vote for a Democrat ever again…and it’s because of her resilience and uncanny ability to twist and turn in just the right ways to avoid destruction by minimizing and emasculating the dim-witted men around her.

      Which is precisely what she did to Barack Obama last night.

      Just before his big, important, must-win debate.

      That’s classic Hillary, folks, if you are smart enough to see the magic in her words and the brilliance in her timing.

      View the complete post at:
      Last edited by bsteadman; 10-16-2012, 08:24 PM.
      B. Steadman

