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NYC: Violence to break out this weekend over the Marathon’s diversion of resources?

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  • NYC: Violence to break out this weekend over the Marathon’s diversion of resources?

    URGENT NEW YORK GROUND REPORT: Violence to break out this weekend over the Marathon’s diversion of resources


    Kevin DuJan


    Today while Justin and I were driving to Wisconsin and back to do some canvassing for Romney/Ryan in the morning, I used the time on the road to make calls to a handful of friends I have not yet been able to reach in New York City. All of them live in Manhattan and were spared any direct damage from Hurricane Sandy — but all of them have friends and family in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Long Island, and other areas that were impacted by flooding and wind damage. Most of these people do not know each other…but EVERY CALL WAS THE SAME.

    Immediately after we established they were fine and had survived relatively in tact, all of them said a variation of this to me: THERE IS GOING TO BE VIOLENCE THIS WEEKEND. BECAUSE OF THE MARATHON.

    The anger in these people’s voices was thick when they talked about “that (insert expletive here) Michael Bloomberg and that (another expletive, this time really colorful) Marathon”. The only thing I can compare this to is one of those episodes of 20/20 where they report on some kind of caged animal attack…and they begin the segment by showing some rube taunting a lion for the delight of roadside tourists…and anyone with sense to them can just SEE that the lion is getting angrier and in moments is going to maul that Bubba. There’s this tension you feel as a viewer, just knowing what is going to happen, but being unable to stop it.

    THAT is how my New York contacts report on the mood in the city right now…with the wealthy New Yorkers like Bloomberg completely oblivious that they are taunting an angry lion by going forward with the Marathon.

    One of my friends used to date a Port Authority cop and is still friendly with him. She tells me that the cop is enveloped in a sense of pure dread headed into this weekend. This is a cop who worked recovery operations and was on duty at the dumps sifting through rubble after 9/11 looking for body parts to identify…and he says that right now he feels the worst he’s felt since then. He is horrified by the Mayor’s decision to go forward with the Marathon because “people are going to die when the fighting starts over this”. The cop describes New York right now as “a powder keg” and Bloomberg is lightning the fuse by diverting generators, food, water, and other resources to the Marathon.

    Anyone with sense about him would postpone this event, or cancel it outright this year. But Bloomberg is pressing ahead with this because Democrats can’t risk political fallout for admitting that New York hasn’t yet recovered from the hurricane…and in doing this, Democrats are actually sealing their own doom because hosting the Marathon will result in more anger and damage to the party than canceling it would have. This is why Democrats should never hold high elected office…they forever make situations worse by trying to cover things up, hide the truth, or score political points.

    An ex of mine who lives in the city and is a comic book artist told me his family on Long Island are furious and are now voting for Mitt Romney because they are disgusted with Democrats; this is an ex who wouldn’t speak to me from 2008-2010 because I backed McCain/Palin after the nomination was taken away from Hillary in 2008. He finally admitted I was right about Obama after Obamacare passed, because his dad is a doctor and told him that the mandate and all its 20 myriad taxes would destroy the economy as we know it and ruin medical practice in this country. My ex’s parents have never voted Republican in their lives but are doing so on Tuesday…and he reports that many of his parents’ friends and their families are doing the same. Once again, this is first hand reporting on the ground telling you that Hurricane Sandy did not help Obama…but it actually damaged Democrats immensely, only the Ministry of Truth won’t report on that. ”It’s kind of like the dam hurts with all the flooding and people are letting all their pent-up frustration and anger burst out…and it’s all going towards Obama,” my ex reported. ”And with them going ahead with the Marathon people are saying it’s just because canceling it would hurt Obama, so people are angry. There’s going to be a riot this weekend, I really think there will be”.

    It’s ironic, too, because for the longest time the Left has tried to scare conservatives by claiming that blacks would riot on November 6th if Obama is not reelected…and, thus, one of the reasons giving for reelecting him was to keep blacks from rioting (so vote for Obama because otherwise the cities will burn). Democrats are now pushing forward with this idiotic Marathon while people in New York are in need of those resources to meet their basic needs…and not a single person in the party has sense enough to see the explosion of anger this is going to cause.


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    B. Steadman