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A New Source – A New Direction (WHITE HOUSE INSIDER RELATED)

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  • A New Source – A New Direction (WHITE HOUSE INSIDER RELATED)

    A New Source – A New Direction (WHI Related)

    The Ulsterman Report



    I am excited by something Insider has put together to ensure this process of political updates and discussions continue, though also saddened they have indicated they are themselves “stepping away” due in part to exhaustion, but also a growing sense they are simply no longer up to the task of providing as reliable and timely information as they would wish, or once believed themselves capable of doing.


    To that I would first simply say thank you to Insider. I have come to know them far better than before our journey in this project began nearly three years ago, and it was through them that I also came to know and greatly admire the figure we call Wall Street Insider – a man of incredible integrity and love of country who, at this moment, has far greater and difficult battles to wage.

    Insider has graciously set up communication with an individual from within the Republican machine who was apparently in almost daily contact with them during the final months of the 2012 election. I was unaware of this relationship, but also certain I was unaware of many other aspects to the work Insider was so feverishly attempting to complete for the past several months. I have been promised that the information coming from this Republican will most importantly prove “honest and uncompromising” regarding their understanding of the failings of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, as well as a “much needed and more modern” understanding of how to defeat the Democratic Party.

    This individual is well connected, though apparently was not in any kind of managerial position within the Romney campaign – a campaign I’m told they viewed as “competent but falling short of linking itself to the fundamental Conservatism that still has a home in the majority of Americans”. According to Insider this person “leans libertarian without the freaky”. I am not quite sure what the phrase means but am looking forward to asking this new source directly.

    Finally, when asking Insider why this new source would want to be a part of these still ongoing published discussions, Insider simply told me to ask them myself. Insider did state this new source has been closely watching what we were doing with increasing interest and approval, and they are completely convinced that the new media is going to continue to play a more influential role in educating the public on the issues of the day, and that this particular forum allows them to “say things they wouldn’t be able to say openly.” They also apparently told Insider my own judgement was often more accurate of the modern political era than was Insider’s, and that some of the information contained in the comments of our published discussions was often even more insightful than the discussion itself. While I don’t necessarily agree that I understand the complexities of the political world more than someone of Insider’s considerable experience, I do agree we have some incredibly smart readers who, as I like to say, “connect the dots” quite well.

    We shall see.

    And again, to Insider, I say thank you. I hope once you are done with whatever personal process or re-evaluation you are going through now, you come back and share your insights. You still have a story to tell. You still have things to teach us. You’re not “done and down” just yet. Over the course of the last two years you have proven right far more than wrong. You fought hard. You lost. There is no shame in that. Only perhaps, a bit of regret in not quite pulling it off. That’s life, right?


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman