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Washington Times: Libya Timeline Suggests Cover-up In Attack; Protesters, Terrorists?

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  • Washington Times: Libya Timeline Suggests Cover-up In Attack; Protesters, Terrorists?

    Washington Times: Libya Timeline Suggests Cover-up In Attack; Protesters Or Terrorists?

    Birther Report



    Libya timeline suggests cover-up in attack
    By Rowan Scarborough @ The Washington Times

    The Obama administration’s public versions of events in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya have been riddled with discrepancies, starting soon after the American dead and survivors left behind a charred diplomatic compound and bullet-scarred CIA building in Benghazi.

    The administration’s inconsistencies go beyond its false assertion for days afterward that a made-in-America anti-Muslim video spurred “spontaneous” Sept. 11 assaults in which U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, his information officer and two former Navy SEALs were killed.

    The House and Senate intelligence committees are scheduled Thursday to hold closed-door hearings on the Benghazi attack – grilling top CIA, FBI and State Department officials – amid Republican charges of a pre-election White House cover-up. Former CIA Director David H. Petraeus also will testify before Congress about the Benghazi attack, appearing before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in a closed-door hearing Friday. A Senate hearing is also likely, though details remained uncertain Wednesday night.

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is visiting Australia and will not testify this week.

    Key issues include:


    VIDEO: Condoleezza Rice on Benghazi Massacre: Something Doesn’t Seem Quite Right - VIDEO ....

    VIDEO: Admiral Says Ambassador Stevens’ Death Was a Botched Kidnapping - VIDEO ....

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman