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CNN: Petraeus To Testify He Knew Libya Was Terrorism 'Almost Immediately'

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  • CNN: Petraeus To Testify He Knew Libya Was Terrorism 'Almost Immediately'

    CNN: Petraeus To Testify He Knew Libya Was Terrorism 'Almost Immediately'


    John Nolte

    Just a few minutes ago on CNN, Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reported that a high-placed source informed her that former CIA Chief David Petraeus will use his upcoming testimony to amend his previous testimony. According to this source, Petraeus will tell the closed door congressional hearing that he knew "almost immediately" that the September 11 anniversary attack on our Libyan consulate was a terrorist attack committed by the al-Qaeda-linked militia Ansar Al Sharia.

    Frances Townsend, a former Homeland Security advisor to George W. Bush, who is now a CNN analyst, tweeted this out:

    Frances Townsend @FranTownsend

    CNN:Petraeus wants 2 testify 2 Congrss tht he knew 9/11 #Benghazi attacks were terrorism, perpetratd by Ansar Al Sharia 'almost immediately'
    15 Nov 12


    Other than Petraeus's upcoming testimony being "different than what he initially said," Starr's source also reported that Petraeus will tell Congress that at first there were at least 20 different intelligence reports floating around that said the video was responsible for the attack, and that over time, those reports were "slowly disproved."

    Petraeus also told this source he believed the CIA talking points given to Susan Rice came from within the White House or Administration.

    This is all a little muddled, but it's important to keep one vital point in mind...

    On September 12, the day after the attack (though it wasn't broadcast by CBS), President Obama told "60 Minutes"...

    You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, and my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start.

    ...which means that at that time, the president was pretty sure this was a premeditated attack.

    There's no question that at first a "fog of war" excuse made perfect sense. But what's also not in question is that as the days and weeks passed, the White House moved further and further away from what the President said on "60 Minutes" -- which means that as those 20 or so reports were being "disproved," the Administration was moving further and further away from the truth.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'CNN: PETRAEUS TO TESTIFY HE KNEW LIBYA WAS TERRORISM 'ALMOST IMMEDIATELY', which was started 11/15/2012 by 'hole_n_one'

    The thread references the 11/15/2012 Breitbart article written by John Nolte -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Petraeus mistress had substantial classified data on computer: sources

      Reuters: By Mark Hosenball and Andy Sullivan - 11/15/2012

      Yahoo News


      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Classified material kept by the woman who conducted an affair with former CIA Director David Petraeus predates their liaison and does not come from the spy agency, sources briefed on the investigation told Reuters on Thursday.

      The finding appears to bolster assertions by both Petraeus and his biographer, Paula Broadwell, that their affair did not put national security secrets at risk - a central question hovering over the scandal that brought down one of the United States' most respected public figures last week.

      The CIA said on Thursday it had opened an "exploratory" investigation into Petraeus' conduct, building on the FBI's probe. Law enforcement officials have said they believe the FBI investigation is likely to end without criminal charges.

      The scandal has cast a spotlight on the private lives of some of the nation's top national security officials.

      The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Marine General John Allen, now faces a Pentagon inspector general's review of what sources describe as "flirtatious" emails with a Tampa socialite.

      Defence Secretary Leon Panetta ordered the military's top brass to look for any gaps in ethics amid concerns officers' lapses in judgment could erode public confidence in the military. Travelling in Bangkok, Panetta said he knew of no other military officials who have been drawn into the investigation.

      Petraeus and Broadwell have separately told investigators they did not share security secrets, and Petraeus has repeated that assertion to associates and a television reporter.

      In his first public comments on the matter, Attorney General Eric Holder said on Thursday the FBI did not see any possible threats over the course of the investigation that were urgent enough to notify President Barack Obama or lawmakers until shortly before Petraeus stepped down.


      FBI agents have found a substantial amount of classified information on Broadwell's personal computer since they searched her Charlotte, North Carolina, home with her consent on Monday.

      Sources briefed on the investigation said the documents date from before August 2011, when Petraeus took up his post at the CIA and the two started their affair. None of the material comes from the CIA.


      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

