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Eight Traitor RINOs Cuddle Up to Treasonous LibDems But Fail to Approve U.N. Treaty

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  • Eight Traitor RINOs Cuddle Up to Treasonous LibDems But Fail to Approve U.N. Treaty

    Eight Traitor RINOs Cuddle Up to Treasonous LibDems But Fail to Approve U.N. Treaty

    Canada Free Press

    Jerry McConnell


    Nine Republicans made their very best efforts to cause Americans to lose their sovereignty in a vote in the United States Senate on Wednesday, December 05, 2012.

    This action in our very own government chambers if approved would have meant a great victory for the corrupt and grossly greedy United Nations by gaining a strong measure of control over the United States as has been planned and programmed by the traitorous and prevaricating usurper president and his Socialist-Communist followers in the U. S. Senate.

    That measure of control would have been the capture of our sovereignty had the Senate bill labeled ‘Treaty Doc 112-7 not been rejected by a vote of 61 to 38, failing to reach the 67 votes needed. If passed it would have meant that for the first time in the 237 years of our history we would have lost our sovereign rule to a foreign power, namely the United Nations gang of cut-throat thieves, bandits and would-be world rulers.

    That Senate vote saw all 53 liberal Democrats (2 of whom have phony Independent labels but are flaming liberal Democrats at heart; Bernie Sanders-VT and Joe Lieberman-CT) vote in favor of this traitorous Treaty where our once secure and independent freedom was guaranteed would have been lost.

    But even worse was the spectacle of EIGHT traitors who were elected by mostly conservative voters who were Republicans while another one (Kirk-IL) just did not vote; so NINE defectors from the GOP in all.

    Thankfully, THIRTY EIGHT true conservatives, honest and loyal to their constituents, opposed the provisions of the proposed United Nations Treaty and for the moment, saved our sovereignty.

    While we should be thanking the 38 Republican U. S. Senators for providing the force to stop the U. N. takeover of our self-rule, the eight villains of infamy who sold us down the river of greed should be marked for not only defeat at reelection but disgraced pariah status until that date. Loss of sovereignty is that serious. The “Awful Eight”: Kelly Ayotte - NH; John Barrasso - WY; Scott Brown - MA; Sue Collins - ME (and her partner) Olympia Snowe - ME; Dick Lugar - IN; John McCain - AZ; Lisa Murkowskit - AK. Show them your disapproval of their anti-American performance.
    - (bold and color emphasis added)
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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman