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Egypt arrests suspect in US ambassador's killing, a Jihadist freed after Mubarak coup

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  • Egypt arrests suspect in US ambassador's killing, a Jihadist freed after Mubarak coup

    Egypt arrests suspect in US ambassador's killing, a Jihadist freed after Mubarak coup

    Atlas Shrugs

    Pamela Geller


    Reaping more of the poison fruit of Obama's pro-jihad foreign policy. This devout Muslim allegedly involved in the murder of our US Ambassador was in prison prior to the Muslim Brotherhood putsch that overthrew former President Hosni Mubarak. He was released when many "political prisoners were freed" in the overheated Egyptian Islamic revolution. He went on to fight against Qaddafi in Libya. This is Obama's foreign policy.

    The enemedia will cover this up as well. The enemedia is like the man with the shovel following behind Obama the colitic circus elephant.

    "Egypt arrests suspect in US ambassador's killing" By Ayman Mohyeldin and Charlene Gubash, NBC News

    A suspect accused of involvement in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya has been arrested in Egypt, two intelligence sources in Cairo told NBC News Saturday.

    Mohammed Abu Jamal Ahmed, allegedly a member of a militant group, was detained in Cairo where he lives, the sources said.

    In addition to the allegations that he was involved in the attack in Benghazi, he is also accused of transporting weapons from Libya to Egypt, the sources added.

    Ahmed, in his late 30s, was in prison prior to the uprising that deposed former President Hosni Mubarak, but managed to escape in one of several prison breaks in the aftermath of the revolution, one of the sources said.

    Ahmed has been known to Egyptian intelligence officials for several years and had "active relations" with radical militant groups involved in Iraq and Afghanistan, the source said.

    Intelligence officials believe he was involved in trading arms in Egypt, many of which came from Libya.

    Ahmed was being interrogated for a possible connection with the Benghazi attack because of his arms-trading connections with extremist groups both in Libya and Egypt, the source added.


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    B. Steadman