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NRA Responds: Blasts Media, Proposes Cop in Every School -- Breitbart

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  • NRA Responds: Blasts Media, Proposes Cop in Every School -- Breitbart

    NRA Responds: Blasts Media, Proposes Cop in Every School


    John Sexton


    After a week of silence, the head of the NRA made his first public statement since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut. He proposed placing an armed police officer in every public school in response to the tragedy.

    NRA president Wayne LaPierre has been demonized by progressives for defending the 2nd Amendment in the wake of the Newtown tragedy. Friday, he tried to deflect some of that criticism back on the media, calling them "silent enablers" and pointing to the violence portrayed on TV and in films: "A child growing up in America witnesses 16,000 murders and 200,000 acts of violence by the time he or she reaches the ripe old age of 18."

    The core of LaPierre's statement was less theoretical and more practical. Unlike another assault rifle ban, placing cops in every school could actually do much to prevent future tragedies like the one in Newtown last week:

    I call on Congress today to act immediately, to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school — and to do it now, to make sure that blanket of safety is in place when our children return to school in January.

    Before Congress reconvenes, before we engage in any lengthy debate over legislation, regulation or anything else, as soon as our kids return to school after the holiday break, we need to have every single school in America immediately deploy a protection program proven to work —and by that I mean armed security.

    Right now, today, every school in the United States should plan meetings with parents, school administrators, teachers and local authorities — and draw upon every resource available — to erect a cordon of protection around our kids right now. Every school will have a different solution based on its own unique situation.

    Every school in America needs to immediately identify, dedicate and deploy the resources necessary to put these security forces in place right now. And the National Rifle Association, as America's preeminent trainer of law enforcement and security personnel for the past 50 years, is ready, willing and uniquely qualified to help.

    The immediate response from the left was, of course, negative. Progressive Matt Yglesias estimates the cost of such a policy would be upwards of $5.5 billion a year. He doesn't come right out and say this is a misallocation of funds, but that's clearly the gist of his comments.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Flashback: Clinton Requests $60 Million to Put Cops in Schools


    John Nolte


    Today, the same elite media who no doubt send their own kids to private schools that employ armed security, just can't stop howling ridicule at the NRA's idea to give every student in America those same protections. Because the NRA's idea is so appealing, as I write this, the media's going overboard, mocking it as bizarre, crazy, and out of touch.

    This is how the media works to silence and vilify the opposition and to ensure that only their ideas control The Narrative. The media doesn't care about securing our schools; they only care about coming after our guns and handing Obama another political win.

    The media also doesn’t care how wildly hypocritical they look.

    In their zeal to rampage this left-wing agenda, the media has apparently forgotten that back in 2000, on the one-year anniversary of the Columbine shooting (which occurred with an assault weapons ban in place), President Clinton requested $60 million in federal money to fund a fifth round of funding for a program called "COPS in School," a program that does exactly what the NRA is proposing and the media is currently in overdrive mocking:


    Clinton also unveiled the $60-million fifth round of funding for "COPS in School," a Justice Department program that helps pay the costs of placing police officers in schools to help make them safer for students and teachers. The money will be used to provide 452 officers in schools in more than 220 communities.

    "Already, it has placed 2,200 officers in more than 1,000 communities across our nation, where they are heightening school safety as well as coaching sports and acting as mentors and mediators for kids in need," Clinton said.

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-22-2012, 01:09 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Hot Mic: Reporters Overheard Slamming NRA Presser, Praising Code Pink Protesters





      Reporters waiting for the daily State Department press briefing were overheard slamming the NRA press conference for content as well as their inability to control the room. "They [The NRA] basically said it's [the CT shooting] everybody's fault but ours," said one reporter as he lamented that the chair did not mention assault weapons. A woman added that Medea Benjamin and the other code pink protesters "did a really good job." The female reporter praised the Code Pink protesters for having big enough signs to cover the NRA Chair's head to obstruct it from being viewed by the cameras. The group then laughed about the security at the NRA event claiming that the chair was "probably packing" and that surely no one would be "stupid enough" to pull a gun. They also said that the security of the event looked like WWF wrestlers and joked that they probably hit Medea Benjamin with a chair after they dragged her from the room.
      .................................................. .

      View the complete article, including video, at:
      Last edited by bsteadman; 12-22-2012, 01:22 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Video: NRA's Wayne LaPierre Calls for Armed Security in Every School

        Published on Dec 21, 2012 PBSNewsHour

        View the video at:

        National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre made a statement today in reaction to last week's mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Conn. LaPierre called for armed security at America's schools saying "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
        Last edited by bsteadman; 12-22-2012, 02:41 PM.
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Gun confiscation raised by rising star Democrat

          American Thinker

          Lee DeCovnick


          New York Governor Andrew Cuomo publicly declared the death of the US Constitution yesterday, December 20, 2012. Cuomo, in few short sentences, has begun laying the essential groundwork for the possible mass deportation of undesirable civilians to government "work" camps, re-education camps, and even death camps. After all, only disarmed Americans can be herded and shipped off in cattle cars to their uncertain fate.

          Cuomo statements are a more than warning shot across the bow of American liberty. They signal that the Democrats and the MSM have jettisoned any remaining loyalty to Constitutional freedoms and individual rights.

          From the New York Times, we read:

          "I don't think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, 'I need an assault weapon to go hunting,' " he said. At the same time, he noted that he owns a shotgun that he has used for hunting, and said, "There is a balance here - I understand the rights of gun owners; I understand the rights of hunters."

          In the interview, Mr. Cuomo did not offer specifics about the measures he might propose, but, while discussing assault weapons, he said: "Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option - keep your gun but permit it."

          Yes, the "C-word" is now a legitimate reference point for gun control advocates, along with mandatory sales to the state.

          Confiscation of private property is specificlly forbidden under the fifth amendment to the consitiution, but the Andrew Cuomo's and the Barack Obama's of this country don't give a damn about the Constitution!


          View the complete article at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Video: British Want Their Guns Back

            Uploaded on Jan 18, 2009 by 'bojan78'

            View the video at:

            B. Steadman


            • #7
              Mother Threatens To Blow Up School

              My Very Own Point of View



              I have just one question………

              Was she planning on using an ASSAULT TYPE FIREARM ????




              View the complete post at:

              B. Steadman


              • #8
                Some states weigh easing gun laws


                Kevin Robillard


                As Washington, D.C., prepares for a fight over additional gun control measure in the wake of the Newtown massacre, lawmakers in some of the states with the weakest gun laws in the nation are going in a different direction - proposing arming teachers and easing firearm restrictions.

                Gun rights advocates have suggested armed school staff could have prevented the killing of 20 children in a Connecticut elementary school. Now, lawmakers in Texas, Tennessee, Virginia and Florida are considering arming teachers and allowing concealed weapons on school campuses. All four states have the Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violence’s lowest rating.

                “That’s insane,” Dan Gross, the president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said at a press conference Tuesday. “Think about what that’s saying: It’s saying the only answer to violence is more violence. The only answer to guns is more guns.”

                Hours after the killings in Newtown last week, Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson endorsed armed school staffers as a way to prevent future school slayings.

                “We need somebody at a school who change the dynamic when a shooter arrives,” Patterson told POLITICO. “The first time someone returns fire, the dynamic changes.”

                Patterson cited the University of Texas tower shootings in 1966. While the gunman was able to snipe from a bell tower and kill 13 people, the situation changed once nearby civilians and police officers started firing back 20 minutes into his rampage. The return fire allowed police officers to climb the tower and kill Whitman.

                Patterson, who wrote Texas’ original concealed carry law as a state legislator and is running for lieutenant governor in 2014, has long favored allowing concealed weapons in schools. But his idea seem to be gaining steam. Texas Gov. Rick Perry told a Tea Party group this week he wants a law allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons in school.

                Patterson said he was looking at legislation authorizing the creation of “school marshals.” The marshals would be staff members who already possess concealed carry licenses. They would take additional training before being allowed to carry on campus.

                While Texas is the center of the movement, governors in Tennessee and Virginia have also signaled openness to allowing guns on school grounds.

                “If people were armed, not just a police officer, but other school officials that were trained and chose to have a weapon, certainly there would be an opportunity to stop an individual trying to get into the school,” Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell said on WTOP, a local radio station.

                The proposal has generated an uproar in Virginia, the site of the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre and of state elections in 2013. Fairfax County Federation of Teachers President Steven Greenburg argued the plan was a “recipe for disaster,” and told POLITICO some of his 4,200 members wouldn’t teach in a district or state that allowed teachers to carry guns. Democratic legislators seem to sense an advantage, proposing legislation that would fine gun owners who fail to report thefts and close the “gun show loophole.” But House Republicans and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe have backed the same solution, funding school safety officers for elementary schools.


                View the complete article at:

                B. Steadman

