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Dishonest Republicans, Gutless Conservative Media - The Post & Email, Lawrence Sellin

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  • Dishonest Republicans, Gutless Conservative Media - The Post & Email, Lawrence Sellin

    Dishonest Republicans, Gutless Conservative Media & the Collapse of a Corrupt Political System – PE

    While the Democratic Party is On Track to Commit Suicide by Obama

    The Post & Email
    (site is under maintenance at time of publishing)
    Lawrence Sellin


    "Be assured that the far left-controlled Democratic Party, its anti-American financiers like George Soros and its partners in the biased, liberal mainstream media will use any tactic, tell any lie, violate any law and support any, even violent movement to ensure the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.

    Republicans can unseat Obama at any time simply by telling the truth, but they won’t.

    Actually they can’t, because it would also reveal their complicity in Obama’s violation of Constitution, their willful ignorance of his felonies and their perpetuation of the greatest election fraud and Constitutional crisis in American history.

    Rather than tell the truth, Republicans have chosen to succumb to political blackmail and have endorsed permanent corruption in Washington, D.C.

    Even Conservative media and talk show hosts have decided in favor of safety and political correctness in order to protect their personal financial interests.

    History will note that in 2012, against the combined opposition of the Republican and Democratic Parties and the mainstream media, a relative handful of American patriots brought down an illegal President, exposed the corrupt political system and a compliant press that protected and facilitated Obama.

    They vigorously opposed the efforts of patriotic Americans because the Republican and Democratic Parties and the mainstream media financially benefit from the corrupt status quo.

    Barack Hussein Obama is a Constitutionally illegal President. He does not meet the natural born citizen eligibility requirement outlined in Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution and the binding Supreme Court precedent Minor v. Happersett (1874), which defines natural born as a US citizen born of citizen parents at the time of the child’s birth. (

    In addition, Obama has committed felonies by forging his birth documents and his Selective Service registration and using a Social Security Number not issued to him.

    Because Obama, whose father was Kenyan, is not a natural born citizen and, therefore, has never been eligible for the Presidency, a lawsuit was filed against him by ordinary American citizens and heard on January 26, 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia by administrative judge Michael Malihi. (Links A, B, C, D at

    Neither Barack Obama nor his attorneys appeared at the hearing.

    According to preliminary reports, Judge Malihi issued a default judgment against Obama and will recommend to the Georgia Secretary of State that Obama’s name not appear on the Georgia ballot starting with the March 6th Georgia Democratic primary.

    Undoubtedly, that decision and others like it will be challenged by the Obama Administration, the Democratic Party and its press arm, the mainstream media.

    It will not, however, end there.

    Expect to see all forms of intimidation: race baiting, threats from union thugs, menacing of voters by Black Panthers and violent Occupy Wall Street mobs.

    George Soros has promised as much. He predicts that, although the Occupy Wall Street “is an inchoate, leaderless manifestation of protest,” it will grow.

    “Yes, yes, yes,” Soros says, almost gleefully to the inevitability of rising anger and riots on the streets of American cities. (Daily Beast)

    In the face of such threats, the Republican leaders and the Conservative media remain paralyzed by fear.

    It will be the task of patriotic American citizens to act to preserve the Constitution and restore the rule of law in government.

    We will continue the fight to expose Obama’s ineligibility and his crimes. We will never give up.

    As Obama goes, so go the corrupt Republicans and Democrats and their stooges in the mainstream media.

    Their demise will usher in an American political Renaissance."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman